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So... Do You Like Veggietales?



the vegtable group. probaly the most shunned in the food department, they are hated by children and presidents alike. they are the contents of salads that no one really eats, and they make up th uneaten part of lunches. but who really knows what they are like?


at one point, vegtables were loved by people, as they kept children healthy and strong, and they helped make excellent chicken noodle soup. but as tiem went on, tehy were replaced by the ever-growing fast food restarunts with the fancy, colorful slides, and sugary snacks that gave false senses of speed and strengh, and gave children cavities. yes, the beloved vegtable group had been forgotten.


but in 1993, two adults branded together to spread love and life in a whole new way. they gave them mouths,noses and eyes, and they gave them a world to be in. finally, they gave them voices.the two men decided to call the vegtables and their world, VeggieTales.


15 years later, VeggieTales has it's own TV show, two movies, and about 35 videos and DVDs and counting. they also had viedo games, books, and toys. they gave laughter and love and life to children, who had begun to love vegtables again. the vegtable group is loved again by young and old.


so support the vegtable group with the following:





ok, this may take a little bit. but if you like VeggieTales, let me know. or, even better, post in the VeggieTales topic, which is in the CoT fourm.


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Plain and simple, no.


Zounds, man, why must you be so negative about everything?


For me, Yes. Although, due to lack of funds, I have been unable to see any of the recent ones. ;_;

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