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The Lapsed User



Recently, there was a very interesting discussion on BZP about people who no longer buy sets (what we in the biz call "lapsed users") and how much influence they can or can't have on product.


There are, based on what I have seen, three main types of lapsed user. We will call them Joe, Bill, and Tom. All three have stopped buying BIONICLE sets, and all are in their teens, for the purposes of this example:


Joe still thinks BIONICLE is interesting, but stopped buying sets in 2004 because he dislikes clone sets and the organic Inika masks, something he has made very clear in his posts.


Bill still likes BIONICLE too, but stopped buying sets because he likes gear functions in the figures, brown stone figures, and clone sets.


Tom is still interested in story, but his life has changed -- he has to save for college, he just got a car, and he has more demands on his money and his time than he had a few years ago when he was buying sets regularly.


Now, of those three, who does BIONICLE have the best chance of getting back as a customer? Not Tom -- his priorities have changed, his needs and wants have changed, and he has had to make a choice between what his life demands now and buying sets. It's highly unlikely that we are going to be able to reactivate him as a customer.


Bill is more likely, but much more problematic. We could get Bill back if we changed sets to suit his tastes. The problem is, his tastes run counter to everything our sales and market research tell us. Everything we know says that if we do a brown clone set with gears, it won't sell. Given that, we aren't going to do one, so it's likely Bill will not come back.


Joe, on the other hand, is a different story. Like Bill, he would be willing to buy BIONICLE again if it suited his tastes. But the things he dislikes -- clone sets and organic masks -- are the same things the majority of the audience dislikes, based on sales and market research. Changing those things and so making the sets more to his liking is easier, because they are changes we need to make anyway for the market as a whole. There's no guarantee we will get him back, because he has found other things to spend his money on ... and the difficulty makes it less likely we will set out with a goal of reactivating him ... but there is at least a chance if he is still paying attention to the sets that he might buy again.


So, you see, it's not just about "you buy or don't buy sets" -- it really comes down to WHY you're not buying, and what the chances are we will get you back. There are some Joes and Bills on BZP, and a lot of Toms, and Joe and Bill are the ones as a business you are more likely to talk about when you discuss reactivating lapsed users. Tom may well still have strong opinions on sets, but as a customer, he is most likely gone for the foreseeable future regardless of what we do.




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Guest kopakanuva13


I'm a Tom ;)

I don't think that the lapsed users would have much influence on the sales, seeing as there are new customers each year... but I suppose the statistics don't lie. I have no advice, other than my motto, "BZP is a society of unsatisfiable complainers" ;)

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I hope thats not me in the fuuture! I think the true reason behind why you become a lapsing user is because


. the books become waaaay easy to read (i can read one in like 3 hours.)

. you get interested in new things like video games, cars, the other gender, etc.

. other impending things like need of money and priorities.


i think tom, bill, and whatever the last one is are really just trying to find reasons to cover the above. Tlso if you like them as a toy, not a hobby, you grow out of ur liking of bionicle.



THATS NEVA ME THOUGH. I have bouth every set since 04 and b4 that my allowance was tiny since 01 so i only bought wat i really liiked.

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Good read. It's interesting to think about how this works.


Luckily, though I am pretty old now, I am none of these. I am still an active user, though I have been trying to limit my Bionicle purchasing (like maybe getting 4 canister sets instead of all 6), for the simple reason I am running out of space. Now there's no way you can please that user! :P

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I'm none of them, I'm in a category all my own. :D


Well, here's hoping this'll slow this year's summer set complaint topics. :)


~Doctor! Doctor!

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Nah, it won't, Cholie, and it's not really intended to. What it is intended to do is counter the idea some members have that they somehow have to buy sets, even if they don't like them, to be considered relevant to us. That's not the case. All those fans who didn't buy Vahki or Visorak were VERY relevant, because they sent us a message that the whole cloning thing had to stop.


A fan who doesn't buy simply because he doesn't like a set or series of sets is still important, because depending on WHY he chose not to buy, we may be able to get him back as an active customer again. (Just as an aside -- the general rule in the toy business is that you can't get lapsed users back again, so don't even try. We don't wholly subscribe to this, because we see things like sales in 2008, which seem to indicate some lapsed users from 2007 have come back.)



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You know, I effectively started as a Tom. I've always been a huge fan of Lego sets and a huge um... anti-fan?... of Lego prices, instead getting everything second-hand or in the January sales. Hence, I'm never going to be one of those people you try to "reactivate"... because I'm essentially invisible to your sales figures.

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I just want an arm to move ith a gear, but I'm still Tom...


Joe sounds like Ca to me... :D



Nope. Other than the clone sets.


I don't give a fleebnork whether sets have gears or not, and, while brown sets are cool, I rather like orange.


What I do want is mechanisms. Not necessarily gears, but things like the 01 Rahi had. Or the Boxor, which was mostly levers.


And therefore I'm only buying Axalara, because it's the most complex set since the Gukko.




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And so you should, because if Axalara sells well, it sends the message that fans want more complex sets with those sorts of mechanisms.



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And so you should, because if Axalara sells well, it sends the message that fans want more complex sets with those sorts of mechanisms.



Yes, I, too, LOVE mechanisms, gears or not (actually, I tend to prefer other mechanisms without gears, as they often limit posability, as seen in Icarax). And I'd love to help send that message by buying the new vehicles this summer. Problem is... I'm not sure I have that kind of money. That's what I think will have the biggest impact along with complexity. I mean, I understand why they're so expensive, what with the whole oil issue and the sheer size of them.


Then again, I'm heading off to college soon, so it could be different for others.

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I still buy sets. The price hike might force me to Tom at some point in the future, though. :P


This makes sense. I can't remember ever having had a problem with sets, so I'm one less person comlaining. :D



:t: :m_o: :c:

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I'm also in my own category. I become a lapsed buyer around 2005, but my interest to Bionicle returned once the Toa Nuva where back, in 2006 (even though its storywise), thats what got me back. I was hoping to see them as sets again, and my wish came true. My only qualm is that the Mistika aren't quite as good as the Phantoka (I own all of the Phantoka, and am very happy with them).


The Mistika seem to be worse, I was expecting them to be of equal, or even greater value (as sets), especially since they had Tahu(my fav charcter in Bionicle). So it was kind of a let down after seeing the Mistika. I do like the complexer sets, thats a great idea, I'm defintly getting Axalara, and Takanuva, they are both good sets.


But this (your blog entry) does explain some things, and about certain types of fans, but I am not like either, I never was a fan of brown, I always disliked the colour, orange and yellow are way better (imo), and gears where a fun acessorary, but one I can live without, if need be. I reckon gear functions should be more incorparated into larger sets, rather than the canister sets, leaving the canister sets to be more posable and stuff.

I did dislike the organic masks and light up weapons, but the inika design was a good one. With the Mistika, the Nynrah doesn't look as cool, as sleek and smooth as the Midak, I was hoping for something more like that on the Nuva themselves, and for the masks to be more Nuvaish, like the Phantoka's where.


I am starting to transition into a more Tom like stage, but I hope 2009 will be as good as Greg says, both story and set wise, since that is what always made Bionicle better than other types of toys or even other Lego sets, a good story, and intersting sets. Lets hope 2009 brings something new, interesting and exciting to Bionicle, but still keep it Bionicle.

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I'd very much like to be able to simply not buy certain sets. However, as an artist I feel obligated to get them so I have the new pieces for reference (and the whole model in the case of more complex titan-sized sets). Pictures, even official pics, rarely are suitable reference material. Nevertheless, I usually manage to maintain some degree of optimism about the sets.

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What i'm looking for in Bionicle is gears, posibility, reasonable price, and a new body piece each year. (Though I'm not too fussed about cloned Piraka/ Inika bodies.) So, I'm guessing that makes me a... Bill. Oh yeh, and I reckon if Lego brought Brown sets back, they would win lots of fans back, therefore more money.

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im starting to turn into a lapsed user. im still interested in the storyline (i intend to follow it through to the end) but, things have changed. im getting the toa nuva revamps that have/are coming out this year and takanuva (if i can find a store that sells titan bionicles, which argos doesnt <_< ) but this will probably be the last year i'll be buying the sets.


incidentally, do book sales have any effect similar to set sales?

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Solaris -- Book sales pretty much just affect book sales. If book sales go bad, then the books will go away, whether BIONICLE is still around or not. It's a license deal, not something LEGO does, so it is purely up to Scholastic whether to continue doing them or not.


Cleofan - Be patient, you will get your wish sooner rather than later.


Freeze - Can't agree with you on the brown sets, unfortunately -- if "lots of fans" would come back for them, where were they when we had them? Brown sets have never sold well, dating back to 2001.



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So, I guess I'd better save up big time for the T# sets. As their my favorites. :P


Not to say that Onua and Bitil arn't cool too. :)


~Doctor! Doctor!

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The only thing I have ever had a problem with is the blue sets, which are supposed to be female but that look nothing like it. Gali Mistika and Hahli Inika were the worst, Hahli Mahri was better though (the wing-like fins looked semi-feminine). I'm not saying that they should be overly notably girlish (they are still supposed to sell to boys and so should look tough and cool and hero-like) but I would like them to be recognizable.


Personally I get sets that I really like (I used to buy nearly all of them but now that I am becoming a sort of semi-Tom I only get the ones that I consider the best). I got Kopaka, Vamprah, and Solek this season and now that I have seen the summer sets I figure I will get Krika and possibly Tahu. And if I can convince my mom that he is worth the money then I really, REALLY, want Takanuva, though I did have an ideal image of him that he is not exactly like (at all) he is still by far the best titan set I have ever seen.


I'm not sure how I feel about the T# sets. I rarely like rider/vehicle sets (since I tend to ditch the machine and only play with the rider and then it seems really overpriced...though I do like rider/animal sets because that is more like getting two sets in one) but these ones are really interesting looking. I like the complexity of them and would love to see more things like them but then I said the same thing about the Ussanui and I ended up never playing with that either (though I still like the original Takanuva)


I think that there are very few old sets that can compare to the newer ones (Kopaka Mata and the original Takanuva come to mind, as does Matau Metru) the new ones are simply much better. I would really have wanted Kopaka Phantoka to have a sword and round shield like the original set (which is what first got me interested in Bionicle as a toy). I would even have given up his wings and possibly even his Midak for a sword that is similar but more advanced then his original Mata blade but even without that I think that he is great. His sheild too was something that I was hoping for, I have what I think would have been a great idea of placing the shield around the nozzle of the Midak (connected to the same place that his Bayonet is in the actual set) but in the end, even though he dissapointed me I still think that he is one of the best sets I have seen in quite a while.

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