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The Lapsed User



Recently, there was a very interesting discussion on BZP about people who no longer buy sets (what we in the biz call "lapsed users") and how much influence they can or can't have on product.


There are, based on what I have seen, three main types of lapsed user. We will call them Joe, Bill, and Tom. All three have stopped buying BIONICLE sets, and all are in their teens, for the purposes of this example:


Joe still thinks BIONICLE is interesting, but stopped buying sets in 2004 because he dislikes clone sets and the organic Inika masks, something he has made very clear in his posts.


Bill still likes BIONICLE too, but stopped buying sets because he likes gear functions in the figures, brown stone figures, and clone sets.


Tom is still interested in story, but his life has changed -- he has to save for college, he just got a car, and he has more demands on his money and his time than he had a few years ago when he was buying sets regularly.


Now, of those three, who does BIONICLE have the best chance of getting back as a customer? Not Tom -- his priorities have changed, his needs and wants have changed, and he has had to make a choice between what his life demands now and buying sets. It's highly unlikely that we are going to be able to reactivate him as a customer.


Bill is more likely, but much more problematic. We could get Bill back if we changed sets to suit his tastes. The problem is, his tastes run counter to everything our sales and market research tell us. Everything we know says that if we do a brown clone set with gears, it won't sell. Given that, we aren't going to do one, so it's likely Bill will not come back.


Joe, on the other hand, is a different story. Like Bill, he would be willing to buy BIONICLE again if it suited his tastes. But the things he dislikes -- clone sets and organic masks -- are the same things the majority of the audience dislikes, based on sales and market research. Changing those things and so making the sets more to his liking is easier, because they are changes we need to make anyway for the market as a whole. There's no guarantee we will get him back, because he has found other things to spend his money on ... and the difficulty makes it less likely we will set out with a goal of reactivating him ... but there is at least a chance if he is still paying attention to the sets that he might buy again.


So, you see, it's not just about "you buy or don't buy sets" -- it really comes down to WHY you're not buying, and what the chances are we will get you back. There are some Joes and Bills on BZP, and a lot of Toms, and Joe and Bill are the ones as a business you are more likely to talk about when you discuss reactivating lapsed users. Tom may well still have strong opinions on sets, but as a customer, he is most likely gone for the foreseeable future regardless of what we do.




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Freeze - Can't agree with you on the brown sets, unfortunately -- if "lots of fans" would come back for them, where were they when we had them? Brown sets have never sold well, dating back to 2001.



If brown sets never sold well, why did Lego pick that as a color? I'd assume that if the color didn't sell well, then the focus groups didn't like it, correct?

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Freeze - Can't agree with you on the brown sets, unfortunately -- if "lots of fans" would come back for them, where were they when we had them? Brown sets have never sold well, dating back to 2001.



If brown sets never sold well, why did Lego pick that as a color? I'd assume that if the color didn't sell well, then the focus groups didn't like it, correct?


BIONICLE wasn't that big then. LEGO was just trying it out; I don't think it had developed enough to have focus groups. Not sure, Greg might be able to clarify.


EDIT: More importantly, LEGO was targeting a different audience back then, which was expected to form the majority of the fanbase. When they found out that their intended audience didn't like it so much as the roleplayers, however, they began to target the roleplayers, who presumably were the ones who disliked brown sets so much.

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Nah, it won't, Cholie, and it's not really intended to. What it is intended to do is counter the idea some members have that they somehow have to buy sets, even if they don't like them, to be considered relevant to us. That's not the case. All those fans who didn't buy Vahki or Visorak were VERY relevant, because they sent us a message that the whole cloning thing had to stop.


A fan who doesn't buy simply because he doesn't like a set or series of sets is still important, because depending on WHY he chose not to buy, we may be able to get him back as an active customer again. (Just as an aside -- the general rule in the toy business is that you can't get lapsed users back again, so don't even try. We don't wholly subscribe to this, because we see things like sales in 2008, which seem to indicate some lapsed users from 2007 have come back.)



It did work I was a "lapsed user" from 05 until now so tell the set desiners to keep up the good work. ;)

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I qualify as an active user then. Set design doesn't have much effect on whether or not I buy a set, I just buy the set then revamp it to my liking. Pricing shouldn't become too much of an issue for me either.
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Hey! MY name's Tom!! Doesn't mean I'LL quit buying...:P


Anyways, this is a good explanation, Greg. I see your point on the Bill, but what if I (Tom, whatever) came back to buying sets as an adult? Do you think he'd still be attracted to the sets? That's just a thought, by the by, not an argumentative point.

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I'm not any of these,and greg should add this type of guy......let's call him Daniel.......he likes bionicle like his own life,but his parents say that he needs to leave that because he is old enough to leave it,and some of his friends that liked bionicle but now they think that's inmadure,and he's going to high scool next year.......so,he is begining to convince himslef that's it's true,but at the another hand,he doesn't want to leave what he loved for almost the half of his live


that's me,greg,please consider it :begging:

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I'm a wannabe/had-been Joe (regular Joe? :P ), who's going through the transition to a Tom.


Basically, I originally did not buy sets because I began to dislike clone sets. I didn't mind in 2002, with the Bohrok, but back then I was still in grade school so thought different colors were the same as different sets.


Not so now. Now, I would like to say that I am not buying sets because I refuse to do so, because having clone sets and re-using Inika builds (Piraka torso and/or Inika chest armor for three years in a row now) bores me. However, the reality is I'm not in control. The rest of the world is.


I'm growing up, I'm at the age where I have to start to think about college now. My dad's teaching me how to drive for my learner's permit, I'm doing applications for intern, I'm studying for AP and SAT Subject tests, all that jazz. I simply don't have the time to spend on sets.


So I'm afraid, in my case, you probably wouldn't get me back as a buyer even if you scrapped the clone sets. I was very excited about the Barraki last year, as they were unique, and I am excited now about the Makuta, but I can't buy them. I don't have the time to go to the nearest Toys R Us (one hour away), and I don't have the time for them even if I do buy them.


In short, it's great to see that these changes will possibly be made (or have already been made), but unfortunately I won't be around to enjoy them. :(

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.... My name is Joe, I'm 14 in May and I'm nothing like the Joe you described or any other person you described there. I buy sets, there a just a few that I don't like the way they look or I don't like their color scheme so I don't get them. But I still get many sets, especially the cloned ones, I love those guys...

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