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Crazy Thing I Do To Get A Tan....

Kallista ~ Little light


2 weeks worth of homework in 1 week,


And die my hair from really dark brown to compleatly blond...


Yah... I said blond.



Lady Ranna


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Blond? O_o


Does it look any good? (In your opinion)

Or better yet, when will you get pictures up? =P

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Aww I liked your brown hair...But that's cool. Least you can dye it, my dad wont let me do anything with my hair. lol.


I'll keep my pale skin and orange hair. =/ I can't tan anyway, I just get more freckles. LOL.

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Nothing, it's just these days every guy always want girls with blond hair.



Speak for yourself, Phobos, I prefer redheads myself.


Well, at least we know she's not a dumb blonde. :P


*pictures Ranna with blond hair* Umm... *pictures Ranna with blond hair and a tan* There, better. :)

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Did you just do that to pick up guys?




No I didn't,

I died my hair because I'm tired of getting my head roasted every time I go out into the sun. Wearing a hat doesn't help (and people tell me to take off the hat anyways).

And to try and get some sunlight into my skin....


and I wanted to try both extremes (I had black hair, Red hair, and dark brown... I wanted to try blond too).


It had nothing to do with guys...


though I did have someone comment about how different I looked... but that means he saw me beforehand ^_^ which is kinda cool.


Lady Ranna


P.S. Lady K,

Freckles PAWN tan every time

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I was thinking you went bleach blonde, but it's still a nice midtone, it looks nice! Brings out your eyes really well.


EDIT: As for the head roasting... From my experience, the thickness/length of your hair has just as big an impact as the color. I've never dyed my hair, and it's pretty dark, but for a couple weeks after I get a haircut I'm fine in the sun. But when my hair grows back out to 'fro-like proportions, it's like I stick my head in the oven every time I walk outside.

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I thought you said completely blonde?


I think you look very nice. ^_^


Did you bleach it or dye it?


I had to do both to get it like that...


Lady Ranna

Weird, bleaching usually can do that on its own...


Aslo, I like how it is lighter up at the top than it is at the bottom. How'd you do that?

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Weird, bleaching usually can do that on its own...


Aslo, I like how it is lighter up at the top than it is at the bottom. How'd you do that?


The heat from my head....


heat makes the bleach work faster.... I was unaware of that till now


Lady Ranna

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I was thinking you went bleach blonde, but it's still a nice midtone, it looks nice! Brings out your eyes really well.


EDIT: As for the head roasting... From my experience, the thickness/length of your hair has just as big an impact as the color. I've never dyed my hair, and it's pretty dark, but for a couple weeks after I get a haircut I'm fine in the sun. But when my hair grows back out to 'fro-like proportions, it's like I stick my head in the oven every time I walk outside.

My hair is such a dark brown it is practically black and is so thick I could use it as a helmet, but my head doesn't get roasted unless I go from cold to warm very quickly. Then it itches like crazy

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i say more red that blonde..........but anyway, nice :)



edit-now that i think about it if it was more blonde than red you would look exactly like my cousin!!! who is only 1 year older than you i beleive...... :o

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So... do blonds really have more fun?:P

We do, we just don't remember it the next day :P


Ok ok...


Here is a picture....




Yah I just got a hair cut.


Lady Ranna

Ooooh. Strawberry blond.

You look great kid *wink*

Welcome to the club. Though I never had trouble with roasting.

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So... do blonds really have more fun? :P

We do, we just don't remember it the next day :P


Well I havn't expirianced that yet (hopfully I never will)


Ooooh. Strawberry blond.

You look great kid *wink*

Welcome to the club. Though I never had trouble with roasting.


Don't call me Kid young man or I will throw you out the window...

Or better yet, get you to throw yourself out the window :evilgrin:


Lady Ranna

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