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My house has once again been invaded by mice. :(


The last time was nearly nine years ago, but it seems they've been spending all that time figuring out how to get back in. Last time, they weren't too smart, running out in front of the TV and leaving obvious signs of their presence. These ones, however, are much more clever. They've so far stayed in a storage room, living off of forgotten Easter chocolate, but my keen hearing picked up their rustling and they were discovered. My parents are getting traps tomorrow (the poisonous kind, I believe) so the problem should go away in a few days.


Let's just hope that this time the mice don't develop another appetite for plastic (my Playmobil ball and chain mace will never be the same :(), especially given that my LEGO collection is much larger now. Too bad I don't have a Muaka or something to scare them off...


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Spread glue on paper sheets and leave a piece of cheese on them. The mice will stuck to them, and then you'd only need to release them far away your home.

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But you're going to poison the poor little mice. :o

I know, but it's that or capture them and release them out into the snow where they'll freeze to death anyway. :(

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Ouch. Here's somethin' to throw at you, although recollecting it's not gonna be pretty....


About 2 years ago, we had flying cockroaches in our garage. I remember them, too, and I remember them well. It was there that my paternal fear of insects started. Well, these weren't just your ordinary roach motel roaches; Lord no, these were country boy flyin' roaches! About 5 inches in length, I rememer opening the garage door, then....'BZ-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z' You do not want one of these flying at you.

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OMG! You're gonna kill them! :(

How mean.. and inhuman :P

Anyway, all of a sudden, everyone's house seems to be infested with some kind of creature.. (Adv and his ants..)


Oh, and these are actually my mice, I sent them to your house to eat your LEGO :P

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OMG! You're gonna kill them! :(

How mean.. and inhuman :P

Anyway, all of a sudden, everyone's house seems to be infested with some kind of creature.. (Adv and his ants..)


Oh, and these are actually my mice, I sent them to your house to eat your LEGO :P


You're joking, right? :unsure:


P.S.-At least its not wolferenes. :unsure:

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I've heard no more late-night scratchings so I think they might be dead.


Cue the RIP signatures. :rolleyes:

The mice died to save......yeah, you're right. Forget this.

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