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Back From Nc



Back from a brief trip to North Carolina (and warmth!) ... here's the news:


1) We had a one-night story meeting to discuss first half 2009 story. We got the bare bones figured out, now I have to get to work on the story bible.


2) We discussed any number of things, including beefing up BIONICLEstory.com in 2009 and possibly doing a serial or something similar that woud focus on the current universe while main story focuses on the new one next year ... I really like that idea, since there is no reason to believe we won't be bringing back current characters in future and it would be good to keep people "in touch" with them.


3) Binkmeister presented some great ideas for possible web content -- he has done a wonderful job since taking on the BIONICLE.com web producer role.


4) No new movie news, beyond that they are interviewing directors now.


5) BIONICLE Legends #11 is going to need some rewriting so it can match up with the CGI animation being done for second half 2008 commericals.


And that's about it!





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You were in NC? Aw man, lucky... :(


1) So, this'll mean that the new story does fit in with the current one, and not a completely diverse change, right?


2) Whoo-hoo! :D So they'll still be there. That's all good, thought they were just gonna get dumped. :)


3) So Leah's still out? Is Binky permanent? I'm confused. -_-


4) Aww, my DVD player is dusty enough. :P


5) So Ghost animations overrate books?


~Doctor! Doctor!

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1) That's good news. Hope you don't have too much work with the Story Bible


2) That's even better! So the Ignika won't go black after all (Or yes). Hope we'll se more Toa Nuva, Metru Nui, Voya Nui and Karda Nui in the future.


3) Same as Cholie :P


4) Good, soon will start the rest.


5) That's very nice from your part. Thanks a lot. :)


:n: :i: :g: :h: :t:

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Nice! Thanks for the update Greg! Glad to hear that there will be more animations for summer. (I figured there would be, just wasn't sure.) :)

The 09 serial idea sounds very interesting as well.


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I saw "New universe" in there - Does that mean that we're moving to a different Universe next year? Or is it a different part of the current one?

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Sweet! The serials will keep in touch in the Matoran universe, while the books in a different one! That's great, because i really like some of these characters.


Everything else, okay.

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So only 11 needes(needed) it, or did Shadows in the Sky need anything for the Phantoka commercials?

The commercial sounds like it'll be great.

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Leah is on maternity leave, which lasts a year in Denmark -- so she won't be back before August 2008 at the earliest.



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Interesting. Does the rewriting have to do with simple motion things, i.e. Kopaka's wings function differently than they do in the story (hypothetically), or actual character diferences?
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Interesting. Does the rewriting have to do with simple motion things, i.e. Kopaka's wings function differently than they do in the story (hypothetically), or actual character diferences?

Or plot differences. :P


~Doctor! Doctor!

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Plot differences -- some actions have to be changed in the climax and the description of one location needs to change.



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So the commercial, which'll hit in the Summer without a doubt, will be spoiler-rific. :sly:




~Doctor! Doctor!

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I'm happy to hear you're not destroying this universe completely Greg. :P


Since when does commercial precide over books?

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1.Ok,work on it.I'm sure it would be good,Greg.


3.Good job Bink.


5.That's good.I like canon animations.


BTW,is the Phantoka animation canon?

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It'd be so easy to just say "it's a commercial, it's not canon", but it really shows that you are a dedicated and fantastic author, trying to make as much promotional material canon as possible.


And I am 100% behind the BIONICLEstory serial idea.



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Well, if you look at the big Matoran/Hydraxon/Jaller/Maxilos fight over the mask last year ... that was CGI before it was in story. Story was altered to match it. If I don't do that, we wind up with a situation where people are seeing one thing in CGI and something else in story, and left not sure which one really happened, etc. Makes things more confusing.



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I was afraid of a reboot...especially with the whole foreshadowing with the mask of life's fail safe and the "new direction" in 2009.

Ah well, I'll reserve judgment till I see/read/hear what the new dealio is like always.


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Well... NC looks pretty attractive right now, considering we are getting Golfball hail here in Ohio. :(


As far as the serials go, I'm impressed, Glad to see we won't be abandoning our old buddies next year. :) That, and the CGI stuff sounds awsome - if you guys actually pulled money from the comics to do it, its going to be amazing (I hope).

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Have you seen the CGI aniamtion for the Summer Sets yet?

Does it use voice acting? Lisenced song?






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