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Makuta's Name, Updates, And Glitches



Various Updates:

  1. For some reason, the blog software isn't letting me post my "Friends Can Disagree" entry, which is written. Although, I needed to cut down on some of it cuz it got too wordy IMO. I've had longer entries so glitch is something else. Hunting it down. :) (Lol, this is the first image-free entry I've ever done I think -- I'm out of time.) For now, other updates I wanted to post:


  2. Has anyone made a "What Would You Name Makuta?" topic yet? Because most of you complaining about the name haven't suggested what you would have tried to run through legal. Somebody was talking about making one yesterday but I can't find one. Dun' wanna make a dupe. :P


  3. Epic 3 is done. :D Aside from a few names here and there I need to insert. I wrote it with a "possible future" outline handy, but let the story go where it had to, and I was actually very surprised by how it turned out. Some things I had planned went completely differently. I tell you, when you get into the characters, setting, sitaution, etc. enough, the story writes itself and it's just as thrilling, if not much more so, as reading. :D


  4. Plans for what's coming next in the Paracosmos have had to shift slightly, but in a very good way; I'm finally comfortable with the setup of the epics coming next, and the necessities for what the Metru Nui flashback must have are looking more coherent than before, so that's good too. It's coming out so that, I think, that part of the series will be way more mysterious than officially, because I'm focusing on aspects of mystery that are only hinted at during the Mata Nui saga, so it will be more of new ground that happens to be in the past than the history of old ground.


  5. So now Ojh and I have to somehow find time to finish the RPG skeletal version. Not sure what to expect here; see below. If I think it drags on too long, I'll begin releasing Epic 3 chapters in the Library. :) But iiiiiiiiif possible (IF), I will try to do as much as I can myself, since Ojh (who normally handles code) is very busy. I believe that I can handle a lot of the final coding, and if we have to, we can just skip the in-between battles that are left, since we already have most of the story done. My belief might be foolish. We'll see.


  6. Real life update: Possible bad news. Things aren't looking good financially right now and I might have to get another job. Everything's up in the air right and I'm not sure what I am planning on quitting here to compensate. Problem is, it seems like I'm the only one here who does the things I do (when I can), and so that's sorta been an anchor keeping me here. I haven't made any decisions yet, other than that I cannot abandon writing -- that is my life. Also I do plan on keeping this a weekly blog no matter what. Everything else... we'll see.
Edit: Ahhhhh! I had too many bold tags. Mkay, friends entry is ready as a draft. I'll wait til Thursday for it though.


Guys, question: Does my "important points are Bold for quick reading" approach help you with the longer entries? Because apparently there's a mysterious limit to how much of it can be used. I get tired of using it too. :shrugs:


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OMG, where is your huge opening banner that is supposed to catch my attention? :o



<hugs bones> Whatever you do, do not, under any circumstances, leave us! <hugs> But I do hope all goes well lifewise.


And no, the boldingness does not help one single bit. :P See how I never use them in my longer entries?



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Most people who dislike Makuta's new name prefer the name "Makuta" or "The Makuta." I had no fond memories of it, and it got tiresome that some faceless enemy was always behind the scenes, so I much enjoyed Time Trap where we finally got a serious look at Makuta's personality. His actual name just aids in further giving him an identity which can be feared rather than the personality of arrogant spirit who can be defeated without difficulty through "the magic of working together!"

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Yes, you're bold thing does work, because many of us cannot survive reading the walls of text you write. :P

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For some reason, the blog software isn't letting me post my "Friends Can Disagree" entry, which is written. Although, I needed to cut down on some of it cuz it got too wordy IMO. I've had longer entries so glitch is something else. Hunting it down. smile.gif (Lol, this is the first image-free entry I've ever done I think -- I'm out of time.) For now, other updates I wanted to post:
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For some reason, the blog software isn't letting me post my "Friends Can Disagree" entry, which is written. Although, I needed to cut down on some of it cuz it got too wordy IMO. I've had longer entries so glitch is something else. Hunting it down. smile.gif (Lol, this is the first image-free entry I've ever done I think -- I'm out of time.) For now, other updates I wanted to post:
You want that posted?

No thanks; see my edit; I'll post it Thursday. :)


Thanks for the comments, this helps, folks. :)

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