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Offended To The Highest Degree



Yesterday started like any other. I wake up, morning rountine, get to the bus stop about two and a half minutes before it comes, go about my classes, wish there would be something to blog about.


Unfortunately, there was.


In my English class, two people have the nack of saying 'Jesus Christ!' in vain. Its quite annoying as a Christian. I myself spent a year and a half trying to remove it was my speech. When one says it, its like they blame Him for whatever is wrong whether or not it is their intention of saying it. It also feels like a racist term to me. Its quite painful really.


I try to explain it to them when I ask them not to say it, and my teacher, Mr. McNeill (mentioned here) comes out with this to cease discussion.


"Get to work and stop talking about fictional characters!"


That just stunned me inside. I truly respected this man. He had a strong opinion on many things and was techically against apathy of all kind. I always wanted to here his opinion. If he has an opinion on Jesus Christ, the Man that I worship, don't you think he could've at least done it a bit less offending?


After we were done with our activity called clustering and writing a paragraph on it (I believe its called a vignette) I realized I should've walked out of class after that. I didn't get too far into my paragraph considering what he said still affected me greatly. I mean it whe I say I felt horrible inside, almost betrayed in a way. Like Julius felt when he saw Brutus as one of the conspirators against him. When Julius saw Brutus jump at him wih a dagger, he gave up on fighting back.


Et tu, Brute?


You too, Mr. McNeill?


The one thing I can't stand is someone willing to hate any and all people because of their belief. You can believe in no God, but must you insult him in front of hs believers? Thats like me taking a leak on your mother's grave as you are crying over it.


Yes, my respect for him dropped dramatically after that comment, but I'm still angry at myself for not leaving.


NOTE: Remember to avoid religious discussion.




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Wow. That's insulting. I would hate it if one of my teachers said that. I too, being Christian, think that that remark by your teacher was very offensive. Luckily, I go to a Christian school, so I don't need to worry about that thing happening. It is also annoying to me when people yell "Jesus Christ" as a vain term.


Fictional? seriously, that guy is already annoying me





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I find that quite sad, Ca, no offense.


Anywho, that's terrible. If someone said something like that to me, I'd be fuming. But, I'm afraid Ca is right about one thing: This probably will be closed soon.

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I find that quite sad, Ca, no offense.


Anywho, that's terrible. If someone said something like that to me, I'd be fuming. But, I'm afraid Ca is right about one thing: This probably will be closed soon.

And I find religion quite sad. Meh, matters of opinion.


EDIT: Y'know, "no offense" isn't a "get out of jail free" card with regards to what you say.




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Being an Atheist, I cannot say that I really relate or understand. However I will tell you that I used to do the same thing, until my christian friend told me please do not use the lords name in vain.


Since then I find myself using those words much less, while I may not believe or understand religion, I do respect it.

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But do we need the offensive comment, Ca? You may agree with his POV, but would openly insult another person just for their belief?



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Technically, teachers aren't even aloud to preach about any religion. I consider evolution (I'm guessing that's what he believes in) to be a religion seeing as it takes just about as much faith to believe that there is no higher power than to believe that there is, as I see it.


Ahh well.


Oh, and I was merely saying that it isn't aloud for teachers to impose their religious (Or lack there of) ideas upon the students.

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Wow, that's harsh. I hate to find out when people I respect aren't as great as I thought they were.


I find it offensive when people use words like that for similar reasons, too.



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But do we need the offensive comment, Ca? You may agree with his POV, but would openly insult another person just for their belief?



Yep, I would.


Living with parents who are rather fanatical about religion is a pain.




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And when you move out, will you continue it?


It truly drains whatever respect you had from those around you. And respect is easy to gain at times, but also hard to get back once lost.



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That was rather rude of the teacher.


One could go into all sorts of technicalities of wording and implications, but his meaning was clear regardless of the historical inaccuracy of the statement, and that's the rude part. However, going into all of those technicalities would definitely be breaking the no-religious-discussion rule.


And as a final statement: there will be NO insulting others' beliefs on this forum. Got it?

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But do we need the offensive comment, Ca? You may agree with his POV, but would openly insult another person just for their belief?



Yep, I would.


Living with parents who are rather fanatical about religion is a pain.





And yesh, now I am insulted. Originally it was insulting, mocking and disliking people just for their beliefs that led to the holocaust in 1939, ya know.


My mom says he could get in trouble legally for saying something like that. That's just... grargh snarl... :glare:


Is it just me or is that a bit extreme?



Now to comment on the blog posting. All I can say is wow. Certain things are acceptable, but there are certain limits. Insulting ones faith crosses one of sed limits IMO.


In his defense though, he may have just been thinking you were getting into an argument with them and was trying to end it before it got out of hand, and therefore wasn't thinking about his words. Maybe you should say something to him, see if he didn't realize what he said. :)

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I feel bad for you, man. I don't know what I would've done if someone had said that to me.

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While it was disrespectful for the teacher to say that, you should still respect him for all the reasons you did. This one thing (which isn't a minor case, but only one none the less) shouldn't get in the way of someone you often looked up to.

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