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This Post Is Important. Please Read This Everyone.

##### Bassai


It is my point in writing this to persuade the members and staff to see an interesting way of looking at the system on BZPower. I am going to be writing some more articles about various issues on BZPower, and I hope that you will all enjoy them and be challenged by them.

My subject for today's article is about the rules of BZPower.


One thing I have noticed in the years that I have stayed on BZPower is that there are, every now and then, new rules implemented to handle various problems. As rules are(as far as I know) almost never voided or retracted, this naturally causes a steady pile up of rules over the months and years. Recently the Character Death Policy was passed, for example.


Now, I think all of us know it's pretty obvious why these are being made. People aren't governing their actions well enough on the forums, so rules need to be made to make sure that those actions fall in line with appropriate behavior on the forums. However, as I've said, the rules pile up, creating longer and longer lists, more and more unintentional infractions, and more and more work for the staff. I mean, take the blogs for instance. They started out just as fun-loving, relaxed places. And now they're not much less serious than the forums, with an entire blog for a host of new rules, most of them specific to the blogs, and even staff specifically for blogs. The rules are so great that it's extremely easy for newbies to be lost quickly in the bewildering maze of confusing rules, and when they ask for help in the Q&A forum, they're more likely to get a host of copy-pasted links and automated messages from staff wannabes(yes, we know who you are), or even criticisms that they didn't write the title right, than actual attempts at helping.


Also, more and more work is created for the staff, requiring often more staff. It also gets tiring constantly seeing new rules pile up, especially when they get covered with the dust of several months of time, and then broken a few times and suddenly are called up again.


Then there is the rule of topic revival, which I have never seen the sense in. Here's the usual scenario: a guy posts a sweet piece of art. It hits the Hot Topics, stays there a few days, and then drops in activity until there are no posts for a month. Then, along comes someone who likes the art and comments. A few more people, not even noticing the revival, post. Sometimes a lot of posting gets done. Then suddenly a staff member comes along and closes it, saying that it's a revival, because everyone was "finished talking about it."

That seems illogical, to borrow an idea from Bones. :P


Tell me the sense, please, of having a topic start to get activity again, and then suddenly slamming the nail in its coffin. It's especially frustrating when someone's comics are in one topic that dies, and then it's revived, and closed.


So, reviewing these problems with BZPower's system, I want to say that I do not mean to criticize the staff or express a strong dislike of BZPower.

I am merely critiquing the system. It is really more of an offer of help and advice to BZPower than just a complaint or criticism.


So these are the conclusions I've made about some things:


1. Once every six months, the staff should review any rules passed since the last review six months before, and see if they are necessary any longer. For example, six months from now, the Character Death Policy might not be needed, as LEGO is not going to remove any major characters to the Happy Hunting Grounds this year, and to have Greg "abruptly remove" anymore minor characters would be somewhat redundant. So that rule might be removed.

2. Staff should actually listen to what members have to say. I'm not saying go along with everything proposed, because you would end up passing all kinds of stupid ideas. But, for example, the topic revival rule: I don't think there's really a lot of point to it.

3. And finally, for the members: conduct yourself well. Remember that the staff will have to pass rules to keep you in line if you don't stay in line yourself. Keep a respectful attitude. If someone says something that truly incenses you, give it a day or so, and talk to them in PM about it. Don't overly criticize others, or be overly dramatic about things such as Matoro's death. Ultimately, it's up to you. All the rules that can be passed won't make you truly be a good BZPower member, but with the right attitude and will to make the site a better place, the much more preferable alternative to rules-responsible, intelligent members-will be present, to the benefit of all. :)






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One thing I've wondered is why story topics never die, yet artwork topics do. Both are creative works, and the artists/authors are probably equally proud of them, and yet one fades away while the other lives forever...


Of course, the logical explanation is the ones who run the library forum decided to put the no-death rule into place, while the artwork forum Moderators didn't. :P




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Some very good points in here.


I think the idea of the topic revival rule is to stop members digging up abandoned topics. Say for exmple some new members posts in a topic that was posted a few years ago. The poster of that topic may well have left BZPower, meaning he or she won't be available to answer any questions that the new members might have. The same sorts of members who revive dead topics - in other words, the ones who forget to check the date of the last post - might get annoyed with the topic starter when they don't answer their questions, not realising the topic starter has left. Basically, the revival rule cuts down on confusion.


But I do agree it's annoying when a MOC or a piece of artwork has it's topic closed for revival. Perhaps the time limit for inactive topics should be lengthened?

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