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Captain's Log Vacation Update #2

Kallista ~ Little light


Disneyland Highlight


Captain Jack Sparrow


I totally gave him a huge hug! he kissed my hand and signed my sketchbook. I was never so giddy without a sugar rush before.


Ok so now we have left LA and have made our way down to Sandiego where we are going into Seaworld and the Sandiego Zoo. and I have to be honest.... I like Sandiego much better then LA.

With that said I also like Sea World better then Disneyland.


G2G I got dinner with Shamu the Killerwhale (the real deal, not some guy in a costume) I really miss you guys.


Lady Ranna


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Cool. I agree... Disneyland is too over-rated. Seaworld's alright... the helicopter ride is the funnest thing there (besides observing all the animals). Anyway, have fun.

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Man, you were close to where I was staying during spring break. :|


'bout 20 minutes close.


I quite agree that the San Diego is better than Los Angeles. Residents in that area tend to be a bit hostile. :<


And it's Shamu. :3

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All this larking about in sunny places, you'll have a tan by the time you get back.

Unless you're the sort of person who burns...


Must resist urge...to point out that it wasn't really Cap'n Jack...must let Ranna keep happy memories...

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I like San Diego better than LA...Less traffic and cleaner air. I've been to both those places and Sea World is WIN. The Zoo is...iffy, not as fun as the Wild Animal Park though. :P
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Wait, Captain Sparrow as in Johnny Depp? The real Johnny Depp? *bleep*! Lucky girl... I want his autograph... And maybe some of his fangirl magnetism would rub off on me or something.


Have fun at SeaWorld! I've never been there, you'll have to tell us all about it!


Oh, and at first I thought you said you had dinner with Shampoo. I was like, "Wait, is she at SeaWorld or an anime convention?" Then I remembered the whale. XP


@phobos: She traveled, took a cruise boat; I'm pretty sure she's Canadian... Or Alaskan, I forget... Man, why are all my online friends up north? One in Alaska, three in Canada, two in north Cali, one in Michigan, one in Rhode Island, and now LK's moving to Tennessee... Oh, and let's not forget my one friend in Poland, two in Japan, and *counts on fingers* four in Malaysia. Then there are a couple that I have no idea where they live... And family in Cali, South Carolina, Hawaii... See, this is why my dream job is to be a physicist. I want to work on a teleportation device. And I can study quantum mechanics, parallel universes, string theory, dark energy, and all that interesting stuff nobody else my age cares about... Ack, nerd rant, shutting up now...

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Man, you were close to where I was staying during spring break. :|


'bout 20 minutes close.


I quite agree that the San Diego is better than Los Angeles. Residents in that area tend to be a bit hostile. :<


And it's Shamu. :3


Is your spring break over? where were you?


Wait, Captain Sparrow as in Johnny Depp? The real Johnny Depp? *bleep*! Lucky girl... I want his autograph... And maybe some of his fangirl magnetism would rub off on me or something.


No... I'm talking about Captain Jack Sparrow as in Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp was pretending to be this guy. there was no fault in this dude, Gracey believed this guy and she is extremely skeptical


Lady Ranna

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Man, you were close to where I was staying during spring break. :|


'bout 20 minutes close.


I quite agree that the San Diego is better than Los Angeles. Residents in that area tend to be a bit hostile. :<


And it's Shamu. :3


Is your spring break over? where were you?

In a city north of Anaheim. :3


But yeah, spring break's over and I'm back in SF. :<


Always cold up here. D;


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