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Update Of Sorts

Kallista ~ Little light


So I got some new little facts about me


So feel free to comment about them and tell me what other crazy things about me you may wish to know

(the more Random the better)


Love you guys


Lady Ranna


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If you swoon at Darth Vader's voice you must also swoon at Mufasa from The Lion King. They're both James Earl Jones ;)


Ooh, random questions...let's see...

Your shoe size?

Favourite genre of books/films?

What's your opinion on the colour purple and all its shades and forms?

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Can you go to my blog and look under 'The Soldiers' list? COuld you also provide a banner with your name on it for the list?



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If you swoon at Darth Vader's voice you must also swoon at Mufasa from The Lion King. They're both James Earl Jones ;)



His voice is pretty Hawt too :blush:



Awww thanks AA, I'll get to work on something soon :)

Lady Ranna

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I hope you realise you just gave me the perfect opening to do this :D

My question was:





Ever heard of the film 300


Heard... but not really


Lady Ranna

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I hope you realise you just gave me the perfect opening to do this :D

My question was:





Ever heard of the film 300


Heard... but not really


Lady Ranna

No, I don't think its really your sort of film...



How do you feel about cats?

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I hope you realise you just gave me the perfect opening to do this :D

My question was:





Ever heard of the film 300


Heard... but not really


Lady Ranna

No, I don't think its really your sort of film...



How do you feel about cats?


I have had more then 12 cats at the same time before...

feelings are mixed it depends on the cat.

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