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Busy Times At Bzp



BZP has been hopping lately, which is great, because it means people are excited about the new story and looking forward to 2009.


However, it also means I have been really busy lately, with somewhere around 8000-10,000 questions in my inbox just in the last month. As some of you noticed, not all of them have been getting answered promptly (or at all), simply because of the crush of them. Since I REALLY don't want to ignore anyone's questions (that's not why I'm here), I thought I would pass along some tips --


1) People who are asking fewer questions per PM are getting answered more quickly. A lot of the time I am doing my answers in the early morning when I am getting ready for work, and it is easier to dash off five answers than 35.


2) Asking me questions about how 2008 is going to end or what is going to happen in 2009 is a waste of your PM time, because I can't answer them. Same goes for questions about the nature of the Great Beings or Mata Nui. And some questions which normally I would answer -- like which sets I have, etc. -- I simply don't have time for due to how busy it has been here.


3) Please read over your questions before submitting -- if I can't understand what you're asking, I can't answer it.


4) If you are in the middle of a forum topic where there is a question that needs my help, please suggest that someone be designated to ask me. The alternative is I get the same question from 10 different people in the forum.


5) There are certain things I do not have answers on -- please keep in mind I do story only. I'm not a set designer, I don't work in Sales, so while your questions ARE legitimate, they are not ones I have the info to answer.


6) Finally, please be patient -- I am doing the best I can to keep up with the influx of questions, but I can't always get to them as quickly as I want to. I feel bad about it and I am sure it is frustrating for you (and to be fair, everyone has been very gracious and polite). It's a good problem to have, because it means people care and are interested, but it is something that I have to chip away at little by little.





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He said questions, not PMs, I believe...


Speaking of PMs, I'm going to be PMing you soon with some questions...


Thanks, Mr. Farshtey, for spending your time with us and talking and listening to us. :)

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Oh, that's what happened to my 1000 question PM. :lookaround:


Kidding. :P I'll keep this stuff in mind. Thankie, Greg. :)


~Doctor! Doctor!

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Do you have infinite PM space? Because 8000 is a lot... Unless they're crammed into 800x10 or something.

Or he deletes them after answering....



None the less, thanks for answering our questions. I think many of us here are patient if it takes you a few days to answer our questions. (Except in those few days you'll get more questions....)



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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

Good idea. Most of my subject lines are "Question(s)" anyway, might as well add a number there.


Now, to get this ball rolling....


*hint, hint, everybody*



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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

Brilliant idea! I'll do that from now on. How to spread the news, though? :P


I usually can't come up with too many questions at a time, and I check the OGD constantly, so most of my questions are answered before I even send them.



Take what you can,

Give nothin back!

:t: :m_o: :c:

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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

That's an excellent idea. I'll start doing that (even though I hardly ever PM Greg... :P).

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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

Brilliant idea! I'll do that from now on. How to spread the news, though? :P


I usually can't come up with too many questions at a time, and I check the OGD constantly, so most of my questions are answered before I even send them.



Take what you can,

Give nothin back!

:t: :m_o: :c:

Tell every Premier Member you know of this idea and tell them to blog about it. I'll be doing that soon.



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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

Brilliant idea! I'll do that from now on. How to spread the news, though? :P


I usually can't come up with too many questions at a time, and I check the OGD constantly, so most of my questions are answered before I even send them.



Take what you can,

Give nothin back!

:t: :m_o: :c:

Tell every Premier Member you know of this idea and tell them to blog about it. I'll be doing that soon.



Heh, I already do that...

Anyways, thanks Greg and personally I'm in no rush to get my answers back, so take as long as you want. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're just happy that you take the time to answer our questions at all.

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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)


Great idea! I'll be sure to do that.


Anyway, on subject: Okay, yes, understandable of course

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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)

Brilliant idea! I'll do that from now on. How to spread the news, though? :P


I usually can't come up with too many questions at a time, and I check the OGD constantly, so most of my questions are answered before I even send them.



Take what you can,

Give nothin back!

:t: :m_o: :c:

Tell every Premier Member you know of this idea and tell them to blog about it. I'll be doing that soon.



I understand Greg. Just relax and take your time with the questions.


By the way, I put the number of questions idea in my blog already and I'll try to remember that next time I send you a PM.



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Hey, I've got an idea. How about in the message subject, we all put in the number of the questions we're asking; that way, Greg knows which are shorter, and he can answer those in the morning, and longer ones when he has more time. How does this sound? :)





Although, I hardly ever send over ten questions (usually one or two at a time), it would help him quite a lot.


Thanks for posting this Mr. Farshtey,



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