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U F O Theory -- Ionic Triangle Stealth Craft




So I wanted to post something besides the usual essay today but couldn't think of anything fast enough. This is a fallback I've had ready for a while, ever since an old (dead) COT topic. Plus someone else was blogging about UFOs so why not (see Czar's blog).

Now, the UFOs in question here aren't the flying saucers. It's the giant, silent triangle craft with three running lights. There have been sightings all over the country, and I even know someone who claims to have seen one. This description is near-universal. It seems unlikely to me that it's made up.

Well, a few months ago, there was an episode of Mythbusters that gave me an idea:


Why I Think This is Plausible

First of all, everybody's probably going "But what about ET?" Well, the answer is ET is working for us, and Rahkshi don't have running lights last I checked.

But seriously, I don't think any of the alien ideas are actual plausible theories. That doesn't mean it's impossible -- believe me, I'd love it if there were aliens and if they had wacky enough technology to actually come here. But there's three huge problems with the idea:

1) Statistics. Statistically the chances of life-supporting planets being close enough to us for a sublight trip here (and then only to fly around trying not to be seen) are pretty unlikely. Never mind the fact that in both major origins worldviews, logically, it's unlikely that aliens exist at all, but that's a subject we can't get into here (and is full of confusion among the populus). Statistics for the homes of aliens are an even bigger problem.

2) Travel time. Let's assume that there's an intelligent, highly advanced alien civ on a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Unlikely, but pretend. They would have to spend hundreds of thousands of years to get here as sublight speeds, since there's an upper speed limit called the speed of light. Matter cannot reach or surpass this speed. So unless some aliens figured out how to make warp drive a reality, it's unlikely they'd come here.

3) Least likely scenario. There's two main possibilities for these UFOs IMO: (1) They're classified aircraft, and (2) They're aliens. Since we know the US de-classifies aircraft every once in a while, we can assume they have classified aircraft right now. So for both the silent triangles and flying saucers, isn't it logical to conclude the UFOs are most likely classified aircraft?

The argument I see so often is "Here's evidence that there's really a UFO.... Therefore aliens are real." That makes no sense, really. Evidence that an unidentified flying object really is flying, and really is unidentified, is just that -- evidence that something's in the air that we don't know what it is. It's a giant logical leap to say it proves aliens. No, I would argue that it barely even implies them.

I think a much better argument is "Here's evidence of UFOs, and also, we can assume USA has classified aircraft. Putting two and two together, UFOs are probably just classified aircraft."

And then, the triangle shape of this theory would explain one of the types we hear about so often. :)

*waits for government to storm house*


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Everything you said made total sense, and I agree with it almost completely. Your idea about the triangle craft makes total sense, and I wouldn't doubt it if you explained it perfectly.


My only problem is with your Point #2 about speed. I agree that as of now, we aren't able to do any of that, but it's not necessarily "impossible". I once read about the possibility of stretching space. Your spacecraft encases itself in a "bubble" of dark energy (which has properties that keep it from phasing into our universe completely), and compresses space in front of you and expands space behind you while you travel at a given speed. Whenever you reach your destination, you disengage the dark energy and release space back into its normal shape (but you remain at your destination). Under this theory, you could travel at sublight speeds for, say, 10 days and traverse a distance of 10 lightyears.


Purely theoretical though.



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My only problem is with your Point #2 about speed. I agree that as of now, we aren't able to do any of that, but it's not necessarily "impossible". I once read about the possibility of stretching space. Your spacecraft encases itself in a "bubble" of dark energy (which has properties that keep it from phasing into our universe completely), and compresses space in front of you and expands space behind you while you travel at a given speed. Whenever you reach your destination, you disengage the dark energy and release space back into its normal shape (but you remain at your destination). Under this theory, you could travel at sublight speeds for, say, 10 days and traverse a distance of 10 lightyears.

Actually, I agree with that. It's just that, even with that idea, we don't know of any way to actually harness the means to do it. I've got a couple different semi-fictional-semi-speculative ways of my own that I use in my own non-Bionicle fiction that it would be possible. One would be modifying space to increase the max speed limit, and of course, there's always the Stargate solution -- wormholes. Plus I've got another classified method that would allow instant travel...


My only point is, it's a lot less likely than an aircraft built by humans, flown by humans, launched here, flown here, etc. :P

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My only point is, it's a lot less likely than an aircraft built by humans, flown by humans, launched here, flown here, etc. :P

Oh, totally. In fact, I just heard that the USAF is actually retiring the F-117 Nighthawk in favor of a newly declassified craft (can't remember the name though :(). That actually disappoints me, because the Nighthawk was my favorite aircraft. Lol, also triangular, BTW. :P



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My only point is, it's a lot less likely than an aircraft built by humans, flown by humans, launched here, flown here, etc. :P

Oh, totally. In fact, I just heard that the USAF is actually retiring the F-117 Nighthawk in favor of a newly declassified craft (can't remember the name though :(). That actually disappoints me, because the Nighthawk was my favorite aircraft. Lol, also triangular, BTW. :P



F-22 Raptor?




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My only point is, it's a lot less likely than an aircraft built by humans, flown by humans, launched here, flown here, etc. :P

Oh, totally. In fact, I just heard that the USAF is actually retiring the F-117 Nighthawk in favor of a newly declassified craft (can't remember the name though :(). That actually disappoints me, because the Nighthawk was my favorite aircraft. Lol, also triangular, BTW. :P



F-22 Raptor?




Something like that, but I'm can't remember. Heard it off of the FOX News Channel.



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Nah, I think they're Chupacabras in flying fat suits. Or maybe the Bili apes have reached higher evolution than ourselves, and so have invented aircraft that are special? (but serious, why are bili apes still clasified as cryptids?)

Serious, you're probably right.

I very much doubt the existence of aliens, mostly becuase I don't believe in evolution.


Edit @ Takua: If the aliens didn't want to be seen too, why would they put little lights on their ships?
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I've always suspected they were government contraptions of some sort.


I mean, really,let's think about it; 1: the government would likely have no logical reason to cover up any sort of proof of aliens, 2: many things, such as flying saucers, the "roswell incident", etc. have been confirmed by the government and proven to be experimental vehicles, 3: such an advanced type of propulsion would certainly be looked upon by government researchers with great interest.


And really, this one thing I saw on The History Channel mentioned that during the second world war, the German military had worked on, and developed flying, saucer shaped craft almost identical to what "aliens" have in science fiction movies.


So really, I wholeheartedly agree with your hypothesis. It's logical in every way I can think of, and makes perfect sense to me.






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...Maybe you should devote a lil' less time on alienology and ufology and a lil' more to BZP? :P



Looks like an interesting theory... However I had a looseleaf study that came up with just about the same thing you did, without the Mythbusters for help. :P *tries to find the study...* The idea of classified aircraft is a very, very plausible one, and the fact that other UFOs have been sighted and did not match unclassified aircraft could be explained with "why would the Goverment declassify experimental craft with technology that was still developing?" So yeah, I agree with ya' on this one.



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No, I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to put lights on a craft that's not meant to be seen. :P

So you weren't just joking lol? As I said, the lights would presumably be so they can see when flying low, so as not to crash into trees and the like. ;) They would switch them off when flying higher most of the time.

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No, I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to put lights on a craft that's not meant to be seen. :P

So you weren't just joking lol? As I said, the lights would presumably be so they can see when flying low, so as not to crash into trees and the like. ;) They would switch them off when flying higher most of the time.

So it's a stealth aircraft that's for flying low?

Well, I don't think it can be a military thing in that case, because I think the military has night-vision technology... :shrugs:


If the aliens didn't want to be seen too, why would they put little lights on their ships?

I hope you're kidding there, because my response would involve a lot of typing. :P

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Government planes are the most logical, likely, down to Earth theory. I personally hope it's totally wrong. When I just think about how just 100-ish years ago, people laughed at the idea of an airplane, and today people seem to think we know all there is about science and technology.... I'm just not ready to count out faster than light travel. Without it, of course, it really would not make any sense for aliens to come visiting us regularly.

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Well we know that new ones stealth mode is fully up to speed one then. A bunch of witnesses. Not enough, but there a bunch.

I'm not totally sure I understood what you're saying, but I think we can assume they weren't in "stealth mode" when they were sighted.


BTW, another reason for running lights I thought of is this -- the craft are usually reported to be pretty large. It's possible they can't maneuver deftly if another aircraft approached, so need the lights so aircraft would know to dodge. At least when not spying on targets but flying to landing pads, etc.


No, I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to put lights on a craft that's not meant to be seen. :P

So you weren't just joking lol? As I said, the lights would presumably be so they can see when flying low, so as not to crash into trees and the like. ;) They would switch them off when flying higher most of the time.

So it's a stealth aircraft that's for flying low?

Well, I don't think it can be a military thing in that case, because I think the military has night-vision technology... :shrugs:


If the aliens didn't want to be seen too, why would they put little lights on their ships?

I hope you're kidding there, because my response would involve a lot of typing. :P

I dunno why there'd be a distinction between military and anyone else -- night vision technology is very common (and it's pretty safe to assume any aliens smart enough to have hyperdrive would think of that too lol). Note that the above reason wouldn't be solved by night vision. Also, it's quite possible the government doesn't care if everyday citizens see the craft. :P We wouldn't be the ones they need to spy on with such a craft.


I'm curious what the typing would entail, so start typing. :P



Government planes are the most logical, likely, down to Earth theory. I personally hope it's totally wrong. When I just think about how just 100-ish years ago, people laughed at the idea of an airplane, and today people seem to think we know all there is about science and technology.... I'm just not ready to count out faster than light travel. Without it, of course, it really would not make any sense for aliens to come visiting us regularly.

I'm not ready to count it out either. Not sure I hope that these are aliens though, 'cuz if hi-tech aliens are keeping themselves secret from us, they'd probably be hostile. :P

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Well we know that new ones stealth mode is fully up to speed one then. A bunch of witnesses. Not enough, but there a bunch.

I'm not totally sure I understood what you're saying, but I think we can assume they weren't in "stealth mode" when they were sighted.


BTW, another reason for running lights I thought of is this -- the craft are usually reported to be pretty large. It's possible they can't maneuver deftly if another aircraft approached, so need the lights so aircraft would know to dodge. At least when not spying on targets but flying to landing pads, etc.


No, I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to put lights on a craft that's not meant to be seen. :P

So you weren't just joking lol? As I said, the lights would presumably be so they can see when flying low, so as not to crash into trees and the like. ;) They would switch them off when flying higher most of the time.

So it's a stealth aircraft that's for flying low?

Well, I don't think it can be a military thing in that case, because I think the military has night-vision technology... :shrugs:


If the aliens didn't want to be seen too, why would they put little lights on their ships?

I hope you're kidding there, because my response would involve a lot of typing. :P

I dunno why there'd be a distinction between military and anyone else -- night vision technology is very common (and it's pretty safe to assume any aliens smart enough to have hyperdrive would think of that too lol). Note that the above reason wouldn't be solved by night vision. Also, it's quite possible the government doesn't care if everyday citizens see the craft. :P We wouldn't be the ones they need to spy on with such a craft.


I'm curious what the typing would entail, so start typing. :P



Government planes are the most logical, likely, down to Earth theory. I personally hope it's totally wrong. When I just think about how just 100-ish years ago, people laughed at the idea of an airplane, and today people seem to think we know all there is about science and technology.... I'm just not ready to count out faster than light travel. Without it, of course, it really would not make any sense for aliens to come visiting us regularly.

I'm not ready to count it out either. Not sure I hope that these are aliens though, 'cuz if hi-tech aliens are keeping themselves secret from us, they'd probably be hostile. :P

Now that's a really scary thought. W

ith all the current problems in the world, are the aliens(:alien:) spying on us? :scared:

The Chupacabra scares me. :fear:

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But if aliens were hostile, wouldn't they have destroyed us already? :P


Anyways, I agree with you that U.F.O's are most likely military planes. What better place to test them than in rural areas (isn't that where most sightings are :P ).


But Bones, if U.F.O's are actually classified planes, how would you explain people sighting them in public areas. Have you seen footage of U.F.O sightings in Mexico City, Mexico? What pilot would expose his "Top Secret" plane to the masses? He/She would have to be a total moron.



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I still think that some UFOs are real. I doubt the gov would cover up a bunch of stuff and presumably kill off some peoploe if there really hadn't been any alien crashes.

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