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One Of Those Relaxing Days

ToM Dracone


Today was really quite weird, but in the same way it was one of the best school days I've ever had. I wound up with four free periods, which was just wonderful: we had Astronomy off, because the teacher was still sick and, though present, couldn't lecture us with his voice as it was; Katie wasn't here, so we had no Greek; then the AP Latin class had already decided we would have an "off day," since we just finished through book 9; and I have 9th free every day anyway.


It was fun, once I got used to it. (The result was that I had two blocks of two free periods in a row – meaning I had nothing after lunch.) After getting some homework out of the way, Brook and I went to work on painting the set for the play – I got to do jungle stuff.


Then, after lunch, Henry, Ian, and I played an April Fool's prank on the U.S. history teacher. We turned everything in his classroom upside down – desks, chairs, even his own desk and every book on the bookshelf. As well as a bunch of stuff pinned to the bulletin board, like the calendar. And Ian drew an upside-down communist symbol on the board. I didn't get to see his reaction, but Leigh Ann said it was great... (said reaction happened during the time we would have had Latin, so I could have gone with her to watch, but that would have been rather suspicious...)


Anyway, aside from anticipating the teacher's reaction, Leigh Ann, Adam, and I just spent the period first in the Latin room talking (and looking for the Golden Apple, which I had misplaced), then outside, where Ally and Karl eventually joined us. It was great outside – warmer, but still coolish thanks to the breeze, bright and sunny... then it became really windy later; half of us almost got blown off our feet in this one gust. Literally. It was just this sudden, intense blast of wind from nowhere. And it was awesome.


Then I ended up spending what was left of 9th period set-painting again, with Kate this time. We're working on this jungle backdrop, which is really quite fun... the play's George Bernard Shaw's Androcles and the Lion, which I haven't read, but looks interesting. And I have to go see it now, anyway, since I worked on the set. But I was going to anyway.


I wish days like these happened more often... but at least we can go outside more often now, now that spring is actually here. ^_^


Oh, and happy April, everyone!

~ ToM


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You and your friends. Sounds fun, though. Reminds me of the good ol' days back in high school, especially the pranks :P.

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Wait...one is supposed to wait until April Fools' Day to mess with the furniture in teachers' classrooms?! My friends and I just used to just do it all the time in high school...
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So many names... confusing me. :wacko:


If I were you, I'd just give each one a number. Makes it easier to keep track of them all.

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Meh... my day was much worse because it was 60 degrees outside so all the teachers had windows open, and of course it was super humid. Every paper not in a binder had that annoying moist feeling. :(


And I got a very bad grade (I think) on a playing test. :(


Oh and I lost my voice.


But I am glad to see your day was nice. ;)



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