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Photok Or Kirop?

ToM Dracone


A question to those who have them: which should I get?


Photok has those glorious ORANGE TOA FEET, a mask that reeks of Kakama-ness, and as a very minor point, Chronicler's Staffs in the post-2006 dull silver color. Kirop has grey two-toed feet and the long Avotoran limbs in both black and grey. Kirop also has wings. Which isn't unique to him, but he's the only set with them that I'm at all interested in.


Both have the wide-shouldered Avotoran body, but I'll be getting it in black with Bitil come summer, whereas Photok's the only one who has it in grey. That body's part of why I want one of them, since I have the thin one already in Tanma. I suppose the only reason I'm even getting one of them is the combination of wanting that piece mixed with the various other things each has of interest – otherwise said things of interest wouldn't be quite enough.


I think I'm sort of skewed toward Photok to begin with, but Kirop is temptiiiing...


*throws the nice-looking but annoying late-March snow at anyone who wants it* >>

~ ToM


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Yeah, they're only a few bucks each. Why not both?


Personally, Photok is better. Kirop gets boring, and lots of sets have that new torso. Besides, Photok can "run" with the way his legs are bent and the jetpack is awesome.

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Yes, Photok. The jetpack, despite being flat silver, is way cool, and it integrates into the bent torso better than Tanma's.


Also, ORNJ.


And you'll have a pair of trans-light green Avo-Toran heads.

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Eh... I'd have to say Both if you could--mostly for the part reasons you listed, but, if you could only get one get Photok. The feet alone are worth it =P



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Photok, Kirop, and Radiak were the only matoran I wanted. I think Photok looks best for a biped.


Especially wearing a visor-ed Kakama newva. :P

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Eh... I'd have to say Both if you could--mostly for the part reasons you listed, but, if you could only get one get Photok. The feet alone are worth it =P



Ohh, yes indeed. I pratically bought him just for the orange parts. Now my Pohatu Phantoka has Toa feet+silver feet attachments and looks fantastic.




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Photok. His mask is cooler, and he has ORANGE PARTS.

That's enough to make me want him.

Well, I also have Pohatu to match him, but that's a minor point...

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I hope I don't sound like Dokuma, But I wouldn't buy them at all.

Actually, I take it back; get the one with the best pieces in relation to Moc'ing pieces. The only reason you should buy BIONICLE is if you plan to actively use them...
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Kirop's parts are in more versatile colors (and, having recently seen his mask up close for the first time, I can confirm that it might find applications in even non-evil MOCs). I would also say that those feet of his are wonderful and might see widespread use as well. And you can never have too many Matoro Mahri tools. :P (Still hoping to sometime use Maxilos's and Hydraxon's parts on a Kikanalo revamp. Maybe I can even use Maxilos's face on an imitation "Lhikan!") His wings, regrettably, aren't that good, but I have no doubt you'd find at least some application for them.


Photok, while his orange is slightly different from classic orange which may or may not show up in photographs of MOCs using both, has a nice mask (though it does not connect with me as the Kakama and has a very Hordikalike profile). The feet, as you say, are good, and if I might say so the bley leg pieces may be easier to use than some other sorts in other colors. The jetpack piece I feel would make some great chest armor (Rahkshi revamp was the first thing that jumped to my mind), and has various other potential applications.


Head color may be a deciding factor, but really you can't go wrong. Pick whichever you feel is best.

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I'm struggling with the same problem, except I need Radiak instead of Kirop. But I'm going for Photok first for the orange Toa Mata feet. There was a point when I wanted Kirop....


I'd say Photok first.



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