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2009 Book Info



Just talked to Scholastic today and got the current 2009 schedule --


It looks at this point like there will be a total of five books in 2009, three the young readers and two chapter books (potentially larger than the normal ones, but don't know yet) --


The readers would be out in January, April, and September, with the chapter books out in summer and fall. The hope is that between the buzz the readers are generating among the retailers (apparently, they are going to get into some big stores that the chapter books currently do not), the increasing sales of BIONICLE and the movie coming, and the chapter books being more of "event books", that chapter book sales will go up and we will be able to do a more extensive schedule of them in 2010. Scholastic does not want to abandon them, but sales continue to be in a trough for them, so right now the two is the best they can manage for the schedule.


I will still be doing them, but will probably also be spending some time on my own, non-LEGO writing, since the readers don't take much time to do.




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As long as the chapter books have different story with the movie,I'd say 2009 would be better than this year. It'd be a great way to increase the book sales since the story would only be exclusive to the novels.

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It would make see to introduce us into the Universe with less books.Heck,one book covers 2001 along wi


Would it make sence to devote a Bioniclestory serial to introducing us to the new universe?

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I'm still throwing pennies into the wishing well hoping for a large Bionicle novel even though I know that the odds of that happening are about a billion-to-one (I must have thrown about 500 dollers worth of pennies into that well :P ). I am still amazed that anyone is able to create a story so interesting and complex that even though it is aimed toward a younger group I still love reading it and go nuts waiting for the next book. I would absolutly love to see what they could do with the same story re-designed for sixteen-seventeen year olds and with books as long as a proper novel.


I am really kind of sad to see that the books seem to be going in the other direction and some of the chapter books replaced by books for an even younger audience. Oh well, I'm still exited about 2009 and I really do think that it will be great (storyline-wise you have never dissapointed me so far).

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BioHero -- Well, if people go out and buy books in 2009, hopefully there will be more books in 2010. The door is open for that, or so I have been told, but the sales have to be there to get stores interested in it.



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Ahh, less books. Hmmm, maybe there can be more web serials in the missing book's place? Plus the movie..... Thanks for the Update Greg!



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Two books? That's sad - but if the're bigger I'm all for it...

I'm excited for the movies too - and I'm glad you are writing it.

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It would be great if there were longer books, and a thing about gettin longer books, I would buy more of them instead of the short three-four books that I would only be able to buy 1-2 of them.

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I don't really like dropping the first half of story from the books. We've always had the main story told through them (Even Hapka's). If they are indeed bigger, couldn't it be possible to do the first half for the first chapter book, and then the second half in the second book? That way, the movie will most likely not be spoiled as it is coming out at a later date.

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Sounds okay, though I wish that there would be more books, but I understand the situation, and at least there will be a movie.

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Good to hear Scholastic hasn't completely ruled out a return to more book-central years. I'll support the young reader motion by buying them, of course. :) If it means more material I can really enjoy in 2010, a few dollars is worth the trouble.


I do think we BZPers put a bit too much value in the books. We've got a movie coming up that is certain to be much more BIONICLE than previous films, side serials on BIONICLEStory, and possibly CIG later this year, and if that does happen, likely some more during winter and spring next year to balance out the movie in fall. And there's the comics too - we've got a great diversification of storyline sources, which I do prefer over just books and comics. :)

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Sounds good, but I still think it'd be a good idea to at least attempt reaching older fans or recruiting new older fans by instead of writing simpler, smaller readers for small children (there was nothing wrong with the chapter books), trying for a more sophisitcated, less held back and perhaps longer book series. They wouldn't have to be completely drastically different, but a less child-like approach I think would benefit Bionicle. I understand the story is meant to promote a kid's toy, but the story itself does have value, and gets only a small fraction of the attention it deserves.


Lego is always talking about cost, and the way I see it, Lego is one of the #1 toy companies in the world. A bit of risk wouldn't hurt too much, would it?


Just my two cents.

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