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The Empress Strikes Back?



Upon sight of the new cunfuzzeling Smeagella4, Janice, among others, I decided to grab my old set of pink dresses and join the bandwagon. As such, you're comments blocks will be plauges by pink for the next 45 days.


Comments, critisism, joining, ridiculing, etc, goes here.




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Adventurella? Heh, it sounds sorta' like Umbrealla, that's funny. Heh.






Sorry if I sound a little wierd, I'm really tired right now, but I can't sleep. That's funny. ^_^

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oh know! more mebers are joining the Aminds plot! but i tell you, i am not going to get traped in girl setting! i wouldn't

[/rambling noob like]

how can you have do it to us? now this blog will be pink!

toa nuva of alexzandra? just think of it... :fear:

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Gali Nuva: Water Dancer?




That made me laugh. :D Anyhow, I'm all for ridiculing this. It sounds really lame when everyone already knows you're a guy. :P And, Adventurer, DON'T CHANGE YOUR NAME! It's a stupid fad. :lol:

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That is my fiancé.

Lovely, is she not?


Atris is a woman.


...Why do I get the feeling this will end like the joke wedding between Gato and Eca Nyk?


Neccy has never joined fads before(Except the one he started to fool BZP), and does not intend to, unless EW offers something REALLY nice.

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That problem has already been fixed, lol.




Neccy, if you join the fad bandwagon girl parade-- if you just join us, you will be granted alllll the hugs and candies your heart desires. *spams with smilies*



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why do this talks beten necry and EW always make me want to send you two sky high using my rocket luncher on BF II?
nercy, don't! you must send with the rebles, to fight against this fad, this horro!
i can't be the only one out there thats not getting on this fad!
oh, i must say, its odd writing this why...

realy realy odd....
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@Alex: You make logic from your sound/noise-hole, carbon-based organic being of the male gender of the name Alexander of the human species. I shall raise an army against the fad!

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@Alex: You make logic from your sound/noise-hole, carbon-based organic being of the male gender of the name Alexander of the human species. I shall raise an army against the fad!

o rai?

my reblen can chush this sickly fad, and your alien race! watch me!

*gathers his followers*


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just you wait, EW! my reblen is growing! true, even mybest friend has turned to a girl, but i shall not fail! not even if i am faced with the fact of being destroyed! it will not fail!

oh by the way, why haven't you put up my blog approvile? i resized it.

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