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Contest? Contest?




So what do you guys think about me running a blog contest where you guys design Bionicle-style faces in Powerpoint, and somehow or another, at least a few winners are picked? Using the methods I explained in these two guides:

Powerpoint Art Guides:
Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy
Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art

But what should be the prize?

I don't think I can do another sidebar gallery -- I've got enough images over there as is. :P And last time I made the images as an award -- this would be you guys entering the images.

And obviously some rare people don't have Powerpoint so couldn't enter -- if anyone has a better blog contest idea, feel free to suggest. :)


In Other News, I totally just now noticed that "In Other News" written as an acronym spells "ion". Ironicles!

*ahem* I am hoping to have time soon to run another S&T contest in spring/summer, hopefully the first Expanded Universe one. Whattayall think -- "Design a Xian Weapon"? Winners would hopefully become official weapons from Xia, and all qualifying entries would become part of the EU. Or would yall prefer a character-making contest first, or sommat?

(Note that I have another classified S&T contest idea for much later this year, like around Christmas. Can't announce that yet. But I'd like to do one before then too, as it will be very unique and "standalone".)


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I don't know. Last time we even started an Expanded Universe thing, it died before it ever took off. Perhpas keeping it simple, like the last two. Xian weapon is rather dull to me. Perhaps a new island, or another OoMN spy?
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Maybe, Arpy, in an image category, though text based wouldbe the focus since it's not a BBC/Art contest.


Cap'n Bionicle -- The EU isn't dead; we just haven't had time yet to launch the first contest of the sort announced in an article last year. But I'm about to have that time, and a contest seems to be the way to get interest up. :)


Island is something I'd want to steer clear of because it's too large-scale to be official probably. An OoMN spy is an interesting idea. (Personally I love weapons -- maybe that's just me though. :P)

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Although I don't have Powerpoint, (heh, I don't have Office at all,) I'd be interested in seeing how this PP(VA?) contest would turn out. :P
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Although I don't have Powerpoint, (heh, I don't have Office at all,) I'd be interested in seeing how this PP(VA?) contest would turn out. :P

Same 'ere.



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Can the person that comes up with the prize get the prize? :P Maybe some type of something....


I like the idea of a weapons contest, I already can't wait for it. ^_^

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Wait. Official? Like, Greg makes them canon?


Weapon....characer.....weapon....character.....something else....weapon.....character....tough choice.


I vote for weapon. :)

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Xian weapon contest would be pretty lousy without a set version. After all, we haven't seen many BIONICLE weapons that weren't in sets.


Maybe a contest to create a new Rahkshi power? Perhaps to decide on a principle to be embraced by a tribe of Karzahnitoran newly introduced to Metru Nui? Gosh, I like that idea. Maybe a Rahkshi-power to go with it... NO. EVEN BETTER. A description of the personality, principle, and skill of any tribe of Matoran other than the six on which we've had emphasis. Of course, this one couldn't be made canon, as to our knowledge the principles were exclusively held by the Matoran on Mata Nui, which is why I considered the Karzahnitoran. But just a speculative one on what principles, etc. they would have had if they were in the MNOLG2 and description of why would be fabulous contest fodder.


Meh. I'm probably the only one who cares about these things. :unsure:

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*ahem* I am hoping to have time soon to run another S&T contest in spring/summer, hopefully the first Expanded Universe one. Whattayall think -- "Design a Xian Weapon"? Winners would hopefully become official weapons from Xia, and all qualifying entries would become part of the EU. Or would yall prefer a character-making contest first, or sommat?

I like the weapon idea, but I'm not sure I could picture it as a purely writing thing. Perhaps as an artwork and/or BBC type contest that includes a written description? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. :)

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Hmm, I guess I'd say that a weapon would be cool, especially if you were allowed to create an Moc or drawing of it, as well as a bit of backstory.

However, an OoMN agent or similar character could be more dynamic have more possibilities, which would be multiplied greatly by the option to build or draw the character as well. That way, those who aren't the best at Mocing could still come up with a good story, and vice versa. Maybe it would be better if the polls were split into different categories though, such as Moc or drawing and backstory, backstory only, Moc only, etc. It might make things a little more fair. :shrugs:

My two widgets. :)


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My thinking on weapon vs. character for the record is, character contests have been done before in Bionicle -- a weapon contest hasn't yet.


Also, there would be a text-only category and categories that allow images in addition to the basic explanation -- I'm thinking probably 3 categories total -- description, art, and MOC. Since lumping art and MOCs together is probably unfair.



Edit: Adv -- interesting idea... But seems too complex since it would be two in one... :shrugs:

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The character would basically just be there as an example of how the weapon compliments certain elements and how it is used etc...


Or maybe you have to write a short story depicting the use of the weapon?

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Hm, a short story. Nah, that would turn this into an SS contest which is a headache to judge. :P I wish though -- that would be fun to read about, heh.

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I do need to start practicing my PP vector art. I lost most of it in December, so I'd be starting from scratch.



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