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Misery! *glomp*



Life entry? No wai!

Anyway, I found out last night that today I was joining a canoe club! Yay! Not!

Let me make this clear: I am not an outdoorsy person. I like to sit, and think, and build, and read, and surf the internets, and play video games. That is all.

Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When we got there, (me + sister) we were supposed to do warm ups, and follow the coach. Okay. But as soon as he began, everyone else just kinda went off and did they're own stretches, leaving me lost. Oh so lost. I just kinda stood around... and then when that phase of confusion was through, we all went for a jog on the beach.


Running on sand = hard = not fun = LOATHSOME.
It's true, look it up in any thesaurus. Running on sand & LOATHSOME are synonymous.

So after that LOATHSOME, we go to paddling. Thankfully, only, like, three of the twelve or so kids there had done paddling before, so we were all in the same boat, proverbially speaking.

Hey wat? You know what's funny kids? That me and my sis were the oldest kids there. Actually, my sis was the oldest person there! Both the coaches were 17, she's 18 lol.

So, the paddling itself wasn't so bad. It wasn't as difficult as expected. I realized on the final lap (of three) that I was holding it wrong, so after that it was even easier.

The kid in front of me was pretty much the only one off in the boat... yeah... so I just followed the guy in front of him.


Another thing, several things have come to light that may help my mom's health condition. If you don't know, which you likely don't since I haven't blogged about it in a long time. She's had a lung fungus for 5+ years, which pretty much makes her feel awful all the time.
So.. yeah... prayers very welcome. It'd be nice to have a healthy mom again. I've gotten so used to it... I keep forgetting how sick she is.


BBBCC #1 polls will be worked on tonight. Sorry for taking so long with them.


And just for you few who have suffered through this long blogness, you get a prize.

Behold Lylix!

Yeah, I was reading or somesuch a couple nights ago, and I noticed how wonderfully clear Lylix's shadow was on my desk across the room. I grabbed the camera, and the rest is fluffy Purple mushroom flavored sardines.


Go play free rice. It's free, fun, and you feed the childrens.
Also, I can't link to it but the flash version of Portal is addicting and fun. Thanks Mord for pointing it out to me! A little snooping and you'll find it.


Sorry if this entry was hard to understand. I'm typing in a room full of argumentative people.

(really Bunda)


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Exactly how full will a kid be after one piece of rice? :uhuh:

Not very at all. It adds up real quick though. They've donated about 30 billion grains so far.


But I mainly do this because it's fun. At least for me.



(really Bunda)

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Yeah, yesterday was the first day of the season for my team. Luckily I have been paddling for 4 years.


I gots the Legendary Map pack! It is so worth ten dollars! The Heroic map pack is so bad compared to it. . .


~ Niev


My english teacher makes us do Freerice. . . I got to level 43 and have raised a lots of grains of rice.

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From what I can tell, Lil looks like ET. O.o

She doesn't.





(really Bunda)

She's that piraka-ish shadow thing to the right of the pic. The thing to the left is an ET MOC.



Anyway, you need to get out more. Instead of canoing, you should do some white water rafting! But canoing is fun too. Hmm...join a venture crew. You need to get out more.


I'll sent prayers to your mom.


*is trying that rice things. Is fun, sorta.*



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Yeah, yesterday was the first day of the season for my team. Luckily I have been paddling for 4 years.


I gots the Legendary Map pack! It is so worth ten dollars! The Heroic map pack is so bad compared to it. . .


~ Niev


My english teacher makes us do Freerice. . . I got to level 43 and have raised a lots of grains of rice.

I would like the map pack, but my friend will probably get it so I'll just play it with him. You know, Hulku.


My highest is 49.

Ah, Poor Bunda'. I don't like camps either, I like camping though.

It's not a camp, we just drive 15/20 minutes to the river every Tuesday and Thursday.

From what I can tell, Lil looks like ET. O.o

She doesn't.





(really Bunda)

She's that piraka-ish shadow thing to the right of the pic. The thing to the left is an ET MOC.



Anyway, you need to get out more. Instead of canoing, you should do some white water rafting! But canoing is fun too. Hmm...join a venture crew. You need to get out more.


I'll sent prayers to your mom.


*is trying that rice things. Is fun, sorta.*





Yes, I admit. Lylix is a PirakaMod and I made ET.




I don't think there's any white water on Kauai...


Thanks. :)


I like Freerice. It helps me learn more vocabulary.



(really Bunda)

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