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The Anti "newb-bashing" Club



This is brought about by those threads about "What's the most noobish thing you've heard?" I'm sick of it. You can't honestly expect everyone on the face of the earth to know everything there is to know about BIONICLE.



  1. Bfahome
  2. ~Eranok~
  3. Dorek
  4. ~Rohn~
  5. -Zip_Er-
  6. Teebert
  7. Egotistical O' Dalek
  8. Dr. Cholie
  9. Kopaka Of Suburbia
  10. Kohrak Kal: Sonic Engineer
  11. EmpressWhenua
  12. Arch-Angel
  13. Bioran23
  14. AngelFlame
  15. The Xaeraz/The Dr. Zephyr
  16. nara567
  17. Xenogears
  18. Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar
  19. World Industries SK8R
  20. Midnighter
  21. -Kopeke-
  22. Shine
  23. Bundaling (currently -Taipu-)
  25. ~The Toa of Twilight!~
  26. Iceter
  27. Barrahkshi
  28. The Improbable Co'ath
  29. Lego Transformers Guy













(If you have any more, feel free to post them and I'll add them. :))


Expect this entry to be bumped a few times.


Any comments that can be interpreted as "newb bashing" will be deleted.


Thank you.


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What is the difference, I know there is one but I can't remeber...


Newbs are people who want to know the rules of a website(Or, anything, really) and want to join in on the fun and try their best not to break the rules and they are usually new to a website. They do not deserve to be bashed.


Noobs, however, are people who don't care about the rules and will spam, flame, and troll and they usually get banned and they usually don't have any friends because of their rule-breaking attitude. Being a Christian, I don't believe they or anyone else deserves to be bashed because of what they do. If they are flaming, spaming, and trolling then I believe they should be punished or banned, but I'd never ever bash them, no matter how "stupid" they come across to me.


Anyway, I think I'll join the club ^_^.



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Everyone should be bashed!!!



-Clubs everyone here-


But actually no, I believe newbs shouldn't be bashed but I don't see it necessary to have banners and a club and anything...


I'll join though.


Don't expect me to do anything though.




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The documentation licensing used by Wikipedia and other Wikis like BS01. :)



It basically says that you can use any information (or images >:P) however you want without permission.


*huggles GNU*


Everyone should be bashed!!!



-Clubs everyone here-


But actually no, I believe newbs shouldn't be bashed but I don't see it necessary to have banners and a club and anything...


I'll join though.


Don't expect me to do anything though.




Um... I think that's the point. :P

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Yes, it isn't their fault. How could they possibly know everything about BIONICLE? The only way to do that would be to read through every single page on BS01, and come on, who would do that? (:lookaround:)


But at the same time, I despise newbs who think they know everything. I've run into a few of them... ><


I guess I'll join... but only as a half member, because I still despise newbs who think they're cool and popular and try to be funny by putting pointless references to cheese and pie in their posts.



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It basically says that you can use any information (or images >:P) however you want without permission.


*huggles GNU*

'Cept you can't make money off it or claim ownership. :P



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Yes, it isn't their fault. How could they possibly know everything about BIONICLE? The only way to do that would be to read through every single page on BS01, and come on, who would do that? (:lookaround:)


But at the same time, I despise newbs who think they know everything. I've run into a few of them... ><


I guess I'll join... but only as a half member, because I still despise newbs who think they're cool and popular and try to be funny by putting pointless references to cheese and pie in their posts.



I don't know.

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Did you take that pic from BS01? :P


Anyways, I'm so in. :)



Gotta love GNU. :P
You stole my AFD gear. >:o


Anyways, might as well count me in.

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Did you take that pic from BS01? :P


Anyways, I'm so in. :)



Gotta love GNU. :P
You stole my AFD gear. >:o


Anyways, might as well count me in.

Lol gotcha. xD


SWEET! *adds*

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I don't bash newbs, I bash noobs.


So I'll join.


Put my name down as Bundalings, please.



(really Bunda)

I also put your current name for reference. That okie?


I don't see my name on the list, so again, count me in.





How'd I miss you?


*hits self*

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Count me in. But I bash noobs who are noobish on purpose like people who do 0EmGZZZZ ieh t41k taht n00b5 ba638ingm is so ri356!11212!!! ih m3an- w94o cr0s b0ut' n00b55!//!36!31

And make 60 posts like that or something. But I am against the bashing of most noobs.

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