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A Reasonable Rant



Wow, if there ever was an oxymoron.

Anyway, inspired by CzaR's entry.

Okay, administrator people who host contests. It has come to my attention that contest polls are never up when the host says they'll be.
Now, I'm not complaining about the polls being up later, but perhaps it wouldn't be unreasonable to change the 'poll up' dates by a couple days?

You know, say, Tufi says they'll be up on the 16th, but everyone who's entered a contest before knows they won't be. This of course may cause confusion for first-time entrants. So perhaps instead of the 16th they should say they'll be up on the 18th, or something. Ya know?

And please don't say "the admins have lives to you know". Don't treat me like I'm stupid. I think everyone knows that(they do). This isn't about that, it's about unreasonable poll dates.

So please comment reasonably, and no spam or flame. That goes to staffies too!

(really Bunda)


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I think there are many others who agree, but are too intimidated or too goody 2 shoes to say so. You know I agree, BZP is a hugely popular forum and for the most part maintains professinality. However when it comes to the BBC forum I see a few aspects that are not. This is one of them.


Given the situation, I think there should be 1 or 2 reliable people assigned soley to the task of getting the polls done obsessively on time. It is a long and tedious process but once you get going on it finishing should be fairly simple.



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Agreed. Final voting was supposed to start tomorrow.


Has anyone even seen Tufi for that matter? I didn't see her in the birthday topic, and in fact, I don't think she's been on since closing the contest. Did something happen? And if so, can't another Moderator step in and make the polls?


Not trying to be accusative, just wondering.


Your average member,

Dr. Keerakh

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In my opinion, you guys are taking this whole thing way too seriously. This is not a presidential election, it is a building contest that people such as Tufi are kind enough to put together and hold. A grace period between the deadline and the polls would be nice, but I'm fine with waiting a few days regardless.
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Me thinks they could say something along the lines of "The polls will be up when we feel like it, so get used to it."








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In my opinion, you guys are taking this whole thing way too seriously. This is not a presidential election, it is a building contest that people such as Tufi are kind enough to put together and hold. A grace period between the deadline and the polls would be nice, but I'm fine with waiting a few days regardless.

I'd be fine with waiting too, as long as we aren't left hanging like right now. The suspense is killing me! :wacko:


Your average member,

Dr. Keerakh

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In my opinion, you guys are taking this whole thing way too seriously. This is not a presidential election, it is a building contest that people such as Tufi are kind enough to put together and hold. A grace period between the deadline and the polls would be nice, but I'm fine with waiting a few days regardless.

I don't mind waiting, but it would take more pressure off the host if they said the polls would be up later. See? This is for their sake. I really don't care when the polls get up, but for them to say one thing and do another agitates some folks. It seems like it would be easy to extend the wait period and say and do the same thing. :/




Me thinks they could say something along the lines of "The polls will be up when we feel like it, so get used to it."








That would work too. They pretty much say that whenever they close the topic, so why can't they say it when they open it?



(really Bunda)

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Well, I agree. I don't really care if the polls are up days after the contest is closed to entrants. But it'd be really nice to actually know when the polls are going to go up. Is posting a date a few days later than the day of contest closing so absurd?

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I'll toss in my two cents... I cannot remember the last time that the day the polls went up coincided with the date listed in the topic, do note; however, that I haven't entered a BBC contest in a good while, nor have I paid attention to them in this time period. I feel that it's really a matter of trust, the contest host and the helpers make an obligation to have the polls up by a certain time, generally the day after the entrance period closes. History shows that this obligation is not generally kept, issues arise in the real world, which as B6 cites in Czar's entry, take precedent. By making an obligation and not keeping it, that's where the problem is for me. Now, I don't really pay attention to BZP much anymore, but it does irk me. If you can't keep the date, than in the future, move the date back, make it reasonable. Life isn't perfect, things don't always run like clockwork, that's why the date should be moved back. I don't doubt that the work can't be done in the one day period, but life outside BZP takes precedence, so it shouldn't take one day.


Wall of text I know, but that's how I feel.

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I figure, don't even give a set date for polls, this way people aren't disappointed. If the staff member KNOWS they can get them up on a specific date, you can always make a front page announcement ala "VOTING FOR BBC W/E HAS NOW STARTED!". Just say something to the effect of "voting will start somewhere around the middle of the monthish" and be done with it.


"Promises" just make it worse, not being specific HELPS.


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I'll toss in my two cents... I cannot remember the last time that the day the polls went up coincided with the date listed in the topic, do note; however, that I haven't entered a BBC contest in a good while, nor have I paid attention to them in this time period. I feel that it's really a matter of trust, the contest host and the helpers make an obligation to have the polls up by a certain time, generally the day after the entrance period closes. History shows that this obligation is not generally kept, issues arise in the real world, which as B6 cites in Czar's entry, take precedent. By making an obligation and not keeping it, that's where the problem is for me. Now, I don't really pay attention to BZP much anymore, but it does irk me. If you can't keep the date, than in the future, move the date back, make it reasonable. Life isn't perfect, things don't always run like clockwork, that's why the date should be moved back. I don't doubt that the work can't be done in the one day period, but life outside BZP takes precedence, so it shouldn't take one day.


Wall of text I know, but that's how I feel.

You said it better than I did.



(really Bunda)

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