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World's Hardest Riddle

Toa Achilles (Tums)


I have decided, to keep you all occupied until I have the ability to update regularly, I will give you the absolute most difficult riddle I could ever concoct. And this time, no hints. Winner gets a free pixel art avatar, banner, or whatever.


Although, if you really do get stuck, try listening to some "music".


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I'm refrainting from giving hints, and probably posting here during this, but I tell you, probably the biggest challenge, Bfahome, is finding out what you're looking for...

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All right, all right, here's the only other thing I shall mention. Not a hint, but an honest inferment.


This isn't a "What am I?" riddle. Think of it as... a recipe. Anyone seen the movie National Treasure?

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Hearts are diamonds and the diamonds of the world must be located in the heart of the world and thus... what is the heart of the world?

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Is the answer "games"?


The third and fourth lines could apply to the game "Sorry!", or any number of games like that.

The second two lines could apply to Chess. and the last two could apply to cards and certain card games.

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O_o Directions? ... then... it's the grand staff in music?


There is the Treble clef and Bass clef, and all of your hints have something to do with music...

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O_o Directions? ... then... it's the grand staff in music?


There is the Treble clef and Bass clef, and all of your hints have something to do with music...


Good point. But then what does the rest of it mean? There aren't spades nor clubs in music, or as far as I know.


Well, there are nightclubs that play music, but that's not the answer.

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Hmm... the clubs suit is associated with war, and spades with death... mirrored pair... *mutters*[/rambles]


...overlapping lies? Are talking about a card game where you can bluff...?

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hmmm. i like this riddle.


it obviously has to do with ambiguity, or switching places. "halfs" and "wholes" may refer to musical notes or time signatures, same for "quadrants", however the phrase "total half" confuses me.

four were one and one were two.....

that would make two eight, correct?

i also cant figure out what the tune you gave us has to do with it...


wait! i think i have it.

the half note in that tune lies at the middle point in the song. then transpose it to a treble cleft without changing the position of the notes on the scale. what does it spell out?

is that it?

maybe you'd also have to change the quarter notes to whole notes, and the whole notes half notes. except there arent any whole notes. umm...

gahhh this is annoying.


im probably totally off, but whatever.




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This isn't a "What am I?" riddle. Think of it as... a recipe.

Heh, I was going to say, "This is either a math question, a riddle requiring musical knowledge... or a recipe for something tasty."



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