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A Small Gift

Lady Kopaka


Just wanted to tell anyone who has been poking me for my DS information such as a friend code, I won’t be able to give it now, since I finally got rid of it.


If anyone is seriously interested no I did not sell it to a friend or ebay. Nor did I make any money off of what I did. A young girl I know at my church recently got her stuff stolen from her house. Stuff like toys, wallet, Gamecube games, and her DS. What was worse is that she was the only one that got stuff stolen, and she's only 10. So I felt really bad for her.


I was thinking about doing this for sometime but finally decided what I'd do on the way to church today. I noticed I had left my all my DS stuff in the van earlier for some reason. So, after church I gave her my DS and games.




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What a nice thing to do, you just earned a ton of karma points.


I know how it feels to be robbed of nice electronics, I am sure she was overjoyed.

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What kind of creep would steal from a ten year old?! That was a very nice thing to do, I am sure she was overjoyed.



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That's awesome K. You're so kind.

Not that you'll use it/them, but have some.

I'll make a note to give you a real Bunda Award later.

(really Bunda)
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I admire you, Lady K, that was a very kind thing to do.

I'm still praying about your house situation, but I think this entry is the last entry I need before I give you this:


I hope you find a good house soon, Lady K, and God bless you.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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That was really kind of you. The girl will never forget you for that.


I would have given an approval, but that would make me look like a copycat, so maybe another time.



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Thanks guys, but I'm not sure if I'm going to use the approvals. Nothing against you I just never really planned on following the fad. But I might fool around with it sometime. *Shrug*


It took some thought on my part, specially knowing the loss of about $200 if I gave it away, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

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Urgh... That makes around... 1000 DKK.


A pretty amout of money, but as you said. It was the right thing to do.


But then again, now you have a reason for NOT complaining if you can't play DS.



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Guest kopakanuva13


*Hugs fifty times*

I knew you were nice, but... Wow!

I feel sorry for the lil' girl :(

I would give you a blog approval, but mine isn't fitting. So I'll give you this:


Even tough you won't use it, you deserve it :D

It's way harder to get than my other approval, I've actually never used this one before~♪

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I know you don't use the approvals, I didn't give you mine to display, I gave you it, because you deserve it.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Aww, thats sweet of you. Of course it's also cruel since it deprives us of DS stuffs with you. :P In seriousness though, that was a great thing to do. :)

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My smile for the day. :D


Mine I had to save up for for about a year, and I would hate to give it up, but I would hate even more to have it taken unexpectedly.


I congratulate you, and if I could figure out how to make blog awards, I'd give you one. :) It's like one of those "inspirational" pass-it-on e-mails, but waaaaay less annoying and more real.

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I had to save up for the DS, took me forever to get the money; but when I gave it away it really wasen't as hard as I thought. It's been about 2 months since I did it and I have no regrets.


Glad this made you smile. :)

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