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Thoughts On Dark Mirror



I mut say, Dark Mirror has provoked some of the most interesting discussions and PMs I have seen in my time on here. It has been really interesting to see the reaction to the story, with Tuyet's Toa being branded as "evil" and "corrupt." And yet ... let's consider:


"Toa Tuyet announced today that the Brotherhood of Makuta poses a potential threat and should be eliminated before they threaten the peace of the universe."


"The leader of a major nation announced today that the country of Gazistan poses a potential threat to the peace of the Middle East, and preemptive strikes have been ordered against their military facilities."


"Matoran are being monitored, and anyone who speaks out in support of the Makuta or the Dark Hunters, or against Toa Tuyet, will be arrested and imprisoned."


"In the interests of national security, security cameras are being mounted in many public places, and telephone calls and email are being monitored for suspicious language."


"The Toa have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Dark Hunters, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."


"The police have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Daniels mob, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."


Would we brand the governments or police in the real world examples "evil and corrupt?" Or would we say they were trying to keep peace? I think the answer is different for everyone ... but it is important to remember just what Tuyet did. She took the basic core belief of the Toa -- that the Matoran must be protected -- and simply spun it that the best way to protect them was to smash potential enemies before they acted. The Makoki stone engravings prove the Toa had suspicions about the Makuta from early on, and the DH had a long history of immoral acts -- so how hard would it be to persuade Toa that they should be crushed? And can you argue that, despite all the negatives about Tuyet's society, Mata Nui is still awake there, and hundreds of Toa and thousands of Matoran who died in our universe, didn't die there?


I am not saying she was right, by any means -- but I think it important to understand the world of Dark Mirror. It is a world really governed by the fear of external enemies, the same as many societies in our world are. Instead of finding strength in fellowship, in prophecy, in the three virtues, these Toa and Matoran let fear and hatred drive their actions. The result was shattered Makuta and DH, but also Toa who then became repressive and dictatorial, all in the interests of protecting their people.


So the scary thing to me about DM is not Tuyet, or what happened to Brutaka or Toa Naho ... the scary part is that these Toa are not that far removed from the ones we know. The only real difference here is one of philosophy -- the Toa in DM act without provocation, the Toa in our universe normally wait for provocation and then react. The Toa in our universe wish to set an example and be looked at with respect, and so they don't stoop to the lethal level of their enemies; the Toa in DM believe that the best way to protect the Matoran from a foe is to kill that foe and don't care if they are looked at with fear. There are probably some Toa on Tuyet's side who aren't 100% comfortable with what they have become, but they look around and see a universe with no BOM and no real threat from the DH or anyone else, and so they do nothing.


Lesovikk is really the one who sees the slippery slope -- who understands that today it's Makuta who have to be wiped out, and tomorrow it's Turaga who object to new laws, and the day after it's Matoran who aren't working hard enough. Fear of enemies, real or imagined, can be used to justify any action, and often have been. Any of us can look back in our history and see instances where otherwise good people sat by and did nothing in the face of repression or even murder, because they believed the victims constituted some kind of threat.


So lots to think about in this story, at least for me ...



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Recommended Comments

Dark Mirror is one of the best parts of the storyline I have read

since I saw the first Toa Mata. After the Toa Mata the bionicle storyline seemed to

go downward in my favor and so my friend did not like bionicle anymore. This is

great for this storyline, it is just to real. In some cases, the entire storyline should

be modified to the DM way mixed with the Mata Nui storyline 2001. For this, 2009

should be impressive, a new start, same 2001 feel and theories about. Thats what

I love about DM.



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I see Tuyet's rule as "evil" because of a few things:

  1. Spying on the population
  2. Fear-driven rule
  3. Destroying "potential" threats

and I see a "good" goverment as one that lets its citizens live in privacy, rules by the "consent of the goverened", and does not practice un-provoked attack. I see the goverment of America (where I live) as "bad" because they:

  • tap phone lines
  • Attack other countries because of partial information

So Greg, to answer your first question, yes. I would call them Evil and Corrupt.


This is good insight. I will be listining to the next installment of Dark Mirror with a fresh mind and a watchful eye...or whatever...


:r::e::m_d: :s::t::a::r:

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I see Tuyet's rule as "evil" because of a few things:
  1. Spying on the population
  2. Fear-driven rule
  3. Destroying "potential" threats
and I see a "good" goverment as one that lets its citizens live in privacy, rules by the "consent of the goverened", and does not practice un-provoked attack. I see the goverment of America (where I live) as "bad" because they:
  • tap phone lines
  • Attack other countries because of partial information
So Greg, to answer your first question, yes. I would call them Evil and Corrupt.


This is good insight. I will be listining to the next installment of Dark Mirror with a fresh mind and a watchful eye...or whatever...


:r::e::m_d: :s::t::a::r:


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I already noticed most of that. Especially the "no Great Cataclysm" part. It just confirms prior knowledge. All I know is, if Tuyet is overthrown by Lesovikk, that Matoran Universe will be much better off then the one we know.

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Okay, don't get political here, please. smile.gif I don't want to be forced to close this entry.


This whole topic's political. How can you see this in a non-political way?


(on a secondary note: I find it kind of hypocritical that when members compare Tuyet to socialism or communism it's okay but when America is thrown into the mix it's suddenly political)

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Okay, don't get political here, please. smile.gif I don't want to be forced to close this entry.


This whole topic's political. How can you see this in a non-political way?


(on a secondary note: I find it kind of hypocritical that when members compare Tuyet to socialism or communism it's okay but when America is thrown into the mix it's suddenly political)

I can see it in a non-political way because it's entirely hypothetical. When you begin to draw ties between this and any current, real-world politics, the entry becomes political.


As for your secondary note, the unjust things done under communism/socialism in various countries are undisputed. The current administrations of America and other countries are disputed in their motives, and thus can still lead to controversy until all is able to become clear on hindsight. It's the same as if someone were to compare it to the current communist government of China: it would lead to controversy. But comparing it to the USSR of many years ago is not controversial, as the specific examples of injustice being cited undisputably happened, and undisputedly were done for similar moral reasons.

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