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Iron Man *spoiler Free*



26 days until graduation!


It was awesome! Great movie to start off the movie summer. The acting was very good, the plot was excellent, and, as I read in the newspaper, the basics behind Iron Man is slightly believable. If you were thinking of seeing this, and you like superhero action movies, Iron Man won't disappoint.


Stan Lee made an appearance, as he does in all his movies. When Tony Stark (Iron Man) goes to an event, there's Lee talking with some girls and Tony pats him on the shoulder.

Also, stay after the credits.


The music was good. The action and suspense sort of tunes you out to the background sometimes, but when I was listening I was thinking "I might want to get the soundtrack," so we'll see. It's done by Hans Zimmer, who, if you don't recall, does Pirates.


In commercials and ads, it seems that Tony is a joker, and that this might be a comical movie. Don't fear, it's just his character's style. There are a few points where it's funny, others where you'll actually break out laughing with the rest of the theater. Enjoy it, it adds to the movie and doesn't overpower it. It's got humor as well as seriousness in all the right places.


Now, on to the spoilers!

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Well, I don't think I have much to say. The movie was awesome.

OK, here's a question I have. Regarding the appearance of the SHIELD agent (isn't SHIELD from another comic too? Like X-Men?) after the credits in Tony's house, was that Samuel L. Jackson?

Edit: Upon further investigation, I've found info on SHIELD, the fact that it was Jackson (search for his name), and he is (presumably) interested in recruiting Tony for The Avenger Initiative (see? There's Iron Man!)


More thoughts on the movie:

I think the first Iron Man (the Iraq one) should have rolled in the sand to make surviving the crash more believable.

When Pepper is trying to get into Room 16 (or whatever that number was) where the bad guy is, she sounds too innocent and expectant of the explosive. I would think she'd be use to that kind of stuff by now. It just didn't suit the character.

I think that's all for spoilers. I mean, I could speculate and comment all I want on the movie, but I don't feel like doing a full review or anything. Any questions you want answered?

-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.


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Why should I stay after the credits?



You know why.


And if I have to explain it....

Sometimes there are things at the end, after the credits. Like after Transformers, or Pirates 3, or, or, I can't remember.



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Well, Movie Workers -despise- people that stay after the credits. But I digress. I'll probably see it some time next weekend (assuming I have free time).


Also, Hans Zimmer does -everything-.


But next week is Speed Racer!


Hans Zimmer doesn't do everything.

I'd proceed to talk about the amazing John Williams, but I don't know all he does.

And others.



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Silence. I have lots of work ;_;


And yes, Hans Zimmer doesn't do everything, but Pirates 3 is hardly an example of his amazing handiwork.


John Williams ftw. Think Jaws (and I think Star Wars).

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Glad to hear it's a good movie. It's on my list of movies to get out and see this summer. Hopefully sooner than later.

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Ya, it was awesome.

And I only know that stuff about The Avengers and such because a friend and his dad we went with are obsessed with comics. (escpecially the dad)



(really Bunda)

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