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Edgy Stuff On Edge

Angel Beat


Ah, it's that time of the year again.. High temperatures. 20+ºC


Not fun. Been feeling like crud all day because of it. Also, I've been on edge today and yesterday.


This is something I need to get off my chest.


Y'see, there's this guy at work, who's 40+ years old or something and he tends to act rather..immature. (I don't know if he has some mental problem that makes him act this way or not.) The things he does tend to get on my nerves, especially on days like this. I (and others) talked to him about it, but it seems he doesn't care.


As a greeting, he always hits others on their backs with a pretty large amount of force. And with me having an almost constant pain in my back, this only makes it worse.


Whenever he accomplishes something small, he claps his hands. While this feels pretty normal at first, it gets rather irritating when you hear it everyday, especially when you're trying to concentrate.


He's the same guy from this entry. The one who got the c-saw accident.


Just a few more months...


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World takes all kinds bro. If it really annoys you, you could take it to your manager, but if he does perchance have a mental disability, you'd feel pretty silly.
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The manager tried talking long before I tried. ;)


And everyone who works there has their problems and possible disabilities. Including me. :P

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