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I Crack Myself Up



Sometimes this job has little perks that just crack me up. For instance, I get to be the one to define the B.I.O. codes on the packages. Yesterday, I whipped up the first batch for 2009 sets. At first, I was just gonna do like I'd done before, boring 3 numbers and 3 letters. But I got a wild hair and did it differently. Everybody in the office was wondering why I was giggling like a schoolgirl. I showed them, and they still didn't get it.


But you guys will. In 8 months or so.


Oh, and I'm in that cool creative stage for later this year, where I get to define what the web site will be in July and beyond. Right now I'm just finishing up desktop images. I'm doing them myself, rather than sending them through the in-house agency, because I need some fun. They're turning out very well - eye catching, and a little different than previously. Unfortunately I can't share it with you guys yet, but maybe in June...


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Lemme guess......LOL375?


Or more like THU(Tahu)673?

Why must you torture us with your specialistic tidbits?


When will the final games be out? (Please don't be combo games like Final Challenge. I'm sorry, I just love the new games, but each surpasses the next, and some new ones would be great.)

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This is a really bad joke because we won't get the punchline for another 8 months or so...



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Is it a bad thing that I want to know the codes more than I want to see the sets?


Rest assured I won't be making any guesses. :P

Or will I... M14EVA.

:m: :e: :c: :a:

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LOL542. xD


MRZ000. That's a code full of win. xD Or perhaps they're based off of old characters, like GLI095, or BRT867.

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