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Through The Move

Lady Kopaka


Warning slightly long entry ahead. ;)





Yes I am alive. Kind of...or I'm not very sure. For the past week I've busied myself with the moving. Packing, unpacking, stress, hours of traveling and being in the car, other issues...No fun at all. ;; And I have been without Internet for a week. It didn't really bother me, it was just annoying since I left right when the voting for AC15 began. Now that was annoying.

For the good news, we did make it into our house with nothing too serious coming up, I have my own room, and the House is really nice. Pretty big too, or well, for my family at least. We're so used to small houses or apartments we feel very awkward in it.


Another creepy thing is that everyone we have met so around our town and other nearby ones so far is so nice. Now I'm used to southern hospitality...but these people...It's creepy. o_o I almost want to meet someone rude! Where I used to live it was rather rough though, so this change of course is great. I love the area, very country like and friendly. Can't wait to get my hands on some of the food. :3


I sure hope I can find some Cajun meals though, that I am going to miss. And I will personally say now that we are in an area that is slightly common for Tornadoes...I'll take a hurricane any day. :P

So yes, here I am visiting my grandparents for the day or so, and then back to our new house again...No Internet connection until next week, so it's been a drag. But hey, I'll live. Keeps me from not getting distracted and focusing on more important matters.


Also thank you everyone for voting for me in the AC! I really wish the best of luck to all you guys, hopefully we'll get Internet at my house in a few days so I can try to catch up with all you guys. ^^;


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Glad to hear your safe and well, and the move went well. Been thinking about you. (in the least creepy way imaginable, you understand)

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Ah, your back! I know what you mean, I've moved quite a few times. What could be more important than Bzpower?! I mean, besides life and family and such.




P.S., just to clear things up, I don't actually think Bzpower is the number one most important thing, that was a joke ;) .

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Ah, nice to see your absence on MSN was not due to you being abducted by aliens. XD


Nice to hear about all that. I trust you will have a great time in the new house. Make it more than a house-- make it a home. :)



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Congratulations, Lady K!

I'm really happy for you! :)

Hope you enjoy your new home! (I have this weird feeling you will :P)


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Oh, and by the way you appear to have won the AC15.


Entry 9 [ 47 ] [24.61%] (yours)

Entry 10 [ 46 ] [24.08%] (Second Place)


^_^ Congrats on the move. -Swert

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Guest kopakanuva13



Welcome back Lady K :-DDD

Just in time for yer birthday!


...If you don't recognize me, I got a name change ;)

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gratz on winning AC15 and on the house. ^_^ watch out for those tornadoes, dont want to lose a house that fast >.>


P.S.-nice rock in your AC drawing it reminds me of Fernak

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gratz on winning AC15 and on the house. ^_^ watch out for those tornadoes, dont want to lose a house that fast >.>


P.S.-nice rock in your AC drawing it reminds me of Fernak

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Southern hospitality...tornado's...I remember those well from when I lived on Oklahoma before my dad got promoted and we moved to my current east coast home. In a tornado, just stay in your basement(bathroom if you don't have a basement. I know it sounds undignified, but you want to be in a room with as little glass as possible, and thats usually a bathroom), remain calm, keep a radio, computer, TV or whatever you use to get info on the tornado watch nearby, keep valuables(Prized possessions, wallet/purse, license, though that should be in the purse, cherished objects from childhood, computer, sketchbook, etc.) with you, and remember, these things are unpredictable. Our house was unharmed, two houses down, the place was completely destroyed.


Also, if you get sucked into a tornado, remain calm; this kid I went to school with back then(Same kid who lived two houses down,) got sucked into one, landed on grass and all he sustained was a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder.

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Hah, Trust me, hurricanes aren't any better. I've been through several of them and lemme tell ya', its not any more fun.


BTW, Right across the street from where I live, an entire house blew up one time because someone was making fireworks illegally. It made several houses windows break, and my entire house shook. :P


- DT

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