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Help Wanted; Myths Article




I love blogs. Great way to organize you folks to do my work for me. :P

(Kidding.. mostly...) *ahem* Well, after being busy for a couple months this spring then working on tons of S&T projects including the Contest which is only just now wrapping up, you all have noticed I'm sure that there haven't been any more Myths & Misconceptions articles for a long time now.

There's tons of need for another one, but now that the search engine is offline for us FLs too now, it's gonna be hard to find all the things I had intended to include while my brain was fried due to excessive busy-ness. I have some already, but figured I might as well put out a call for you guys to remind me of anything that needs included this time around. :)

I know for a fact I made some notes too that I seem to have lost. *sigh*

So far I've been able to compile these off the top of my head:
  • Voya Nui water corrosive
  • Calix makes impossible possible
  • "Akua Nui" will be in story
  • Kadin same as Miru
  • Elda can only find Ignika
  • Yellow/gray not valid stone colors
They seem to all be Voya Nui related, lol. Any from previous years I've so-far missed are wanted as well. :)

In case you aren't aware of what the "M&M" articles are, here's the latest one: Bionicle Myths and Misconceptions IV.

Edit: Good suggestions. Here's the list of new ones so far, including some I thought up:
  • Mata Nui's element is light --from Advocate
  • Makuta is a Great Spirit (a reminder one) --from Advocate
  • City of the lost is Matoran lost city/village --from Vader Hater
  • Kongu's and Krakua's Suletu are the same mask --from Ninja Handyman
  • Past Toa of Light --from Bioran23
  • Rahaga can speak Visorak language --from Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
  • Gukko have talons (maybe include) --from Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
  • Matoro will definately wear the Kanohi Ignika --from Quantum-Phasically Charged Traku
  • Shadow can be good in Bionicle --from will toa of plasma
  • Red Star is Artahka --from will toa of plasma
  • Jaller destined to wear Ignika --from will toa of plasma
  • Mask of Light on Voya Nui
  • Bionicle not on a planet
  • Voya Nui's continent isn't underground
  • Nuva are dead
  • No wheels in Bionicle
  • Voya Nui floats in the air (maybe include)
  • Ignika found in 2006 (maybe include)
  • Nuva use Ignika to wake Mata Nui
That is a ton! XD


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I can think of two that have been popping up recently:


Mata-Nui's element is light.

Makuta is a Great Spirit (already disproven, but still appearing constantly).


There were a few more, some that you covered. I'll go check S&T. :)

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Oooh, looking forward to this...


Perhaps something like Kongu's Kanohi and Krakua's Kanohi being the same Kanohi. Whilst it is disproven, many people are still posting that it's the same one and junk :\


However, that's just an idea.

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This one is kinda old, but:


There was once a Toa of Light, who later died and that's how the Avohkii came in.


Greg said no to this.


~ Bioran


P.S I will try and find more, but BS01 Wiki is down :(

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This one's probably just under the top of your head, but the one that comes to mind from the S&T judging is that the Visorak have a language, and that the Rahaga can speak it.


Oh yeah, and do Gukkos have talons? I'm not sure whether we nailed that one down or not.



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Great suggestions, guys! I thought up a few more myself; the blog entry is edited to include new ones.



I'v got some

  • Shadow Does Not Have To Be Evil!
  • Is Botar Good Or Evil?
  • Kaukau Can Work In Lava?
  • The Red Star Is Arthaka.
  • Jaller Is Destined For The Ignika.

I included three of these; not sure about two.


2) The actual myth here is that he's evil, right? So it's confirmed he's good, I assume? I just haven't happened to see this info, lol--and I'm not assuming anything just 'cuz he's in the OoMN (Brutaka)...


As for the Kaukau one, I'd rather not go there this time at least. If a definitive word can come from Greg on exactly what it does and does not work in (i.e. what is and isn't considered water in Bionicle), then maybe. That topic's still open for a reason, lol.








A few of the ideas here are listed as "maybes" including some of mine. Not 100% sure that some are widely held misconceptions. Like the Voya Nui floating one that I thought up (I've only actually seen it once), or the talons thing (Yes, it's confirmed they have only four wings, no legs to have talons on, as MOL shows, although I'm not 100% about the status of the other versions of the bird; if they are simply totally unofficial now).



Edit: Apparently people think the Nuva will use the Ignika to awaken Mata Nui, XD: here. (How do you folks think up these things?! :P) Adding....

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What about some Red Star ones? I got some...


The Red Star is Mata Nui's Spirit Star

The Red Star is a planet <= I spotted that one on the S&T forum

The Red Star is the Great Beings homeland (<_<)


~ Bioran

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Hmm...lemme think hard about this one...



Well....so...things people think are true but really aren't eh?



The AE is asleep. <-- I dunno, but many people were surprised that he was awake. They think that unleashing him means waking him up or something.


Makuta is dead/ Makuta is alive <-- I dunno. This is a maybe even for me. I've seen people that are adamant about either, but truthfully, we don't know 100% either way.


Bionicle beings don't have hair <--


Darn spoiler quote isn't working, so Bionicle Legends 3 spoiler below!!!














Fenrakk has hair, as seen in sites with forums are not allowed#3. I thought this as well, since Matoran don't have hair, but just because Matoran do, doesn't mean Rahi can't.



Bionicle beings don't eat <-- Well it's true for Matoran, but we have seen things where Rahi are eating. (Muaka love Rahkshi! :lol: )



I dunno. I'm not thinking straight. I'm sure there are more, but I'll get back to do on that one...




EDIT: What the? sites with forums are not allowed?

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Ah, got another one...


Botar is evil. <= That one is pretty old, you don't see it normally now, but still, better tell the world about it :P


I know there are some more, especially one about Jovan...


~ Bioran

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and to a further extent, I remember a lot of people thinking Botar was The AE.

and maybe you should put in the Lhikan hau/tahu hau in their too.

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I saw this earlier but nothing came to my mind. You seem to have a pretty long list up :). The article is coming out good.


Dunno if it's that important, but maybe you could include "No free will in Bionicle because of Destiny"? Which is not true. You don't see it that much in S&T, but it shows up quite regularly.


EDIT: What about "Ignika is Mata Nui's mask"? That's a common misunderstanding.

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Good suggestions guys. I think I'd better hurry up and get an article with at least some of these up fast--the "Nuva are dead?" topics just keep on coming! :wacko:


Noting this for reference sake as well--no idea if this one counts or not.... (I thought everyone knew Matoro and co were already Toa? O_o)

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ZOMG! I think I may have one more.


All the sets (either from playset to figure, or year to year) are proportional -- This one causes a lot of confusion. We all know that the Toa sets have grown a little taller set wise, but in storyality (is there such a thing?) all Toa are about the same height. And this year: People think that the Fenrakk Spawn spiders are so big compared to Fenrakk, because they are using sets proportionately. This isn't the case. Etc...



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  • Mata-Nui's mask is a Hau

Well, yeah, lots of people thought that before, and with that comic where Axonn says that the Hau is Mata-Nui's symbol... I dunno.

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I sent a PM to Greg asking what the Kaukau does, and he said it only works in water, because it is a mask of WATER-breathing. I am afraid I do not have the OM anymore, for it was deleted.

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I can't believe that this is still being speculated. Could be good to mention that it was an early prototype version of Kongu.


EDIT: url tags.


And 'nother Edit. Just a thought. Now that the Free the Band website is up, things could get similar to what they did when the piraka.com website was put up. Could. AAR and Bionicle are so far away from each other that everyone will (or at least should, hopefully) understand that it is not official--but there is other stuff there that isn't that apparently not storyline accurate. So--maybe mentioning something about Free the Band being not official storyline?


Assuming that 100% of Free the Band isn't official. IMO, it would be odd if that wouldn't be the case--I mean, there were things like "Voa Nui" instead of "Voya Nui" there.

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I still see members that think Akua Nui is the next island. You might want to add that in Bones.


Also, you could say something about the leaked 2007 names. Takadox is awesome.


Magical Edit:

Shadow is not an element. (you could say something like It's an element but an evil one)


Bionicle Heores is not canon



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I don't see how the sunken part of Voya-Nui being being the City of The lost could be a misconsception. In Power Play it pretty much stated


spoiler, highlight to read That the Matoran on the suken part of Voya-Nui are alive


and as far as I know, there has been nothing to disprove that the sunken part is the city of the lost.



:pirate: Vahiki :pirate:

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Vahiki, the disproof is as simple as Greg saying so. I'm pretty sure I saw the quote too. Though that's one I'd definately check with him on first anyways before writing it. Probably I won't include that one though, not for now. That's future storyline a long ways off for the moment.

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Can't read some of your post, Bones. Can't see some of the screen.

Yeah, the blogs seem to

do that.... Tis a big annoying,

yeah. I assume you have a

very small monitor.


(You can read this?)


Try selecting text to copy and

past it into something like Notepad;

might help...


Or get a wider monitor. :P

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