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Si Proche...



... mais encore si loin...


Well, a few weeks ago, I asked LEGO to send me the March-April issue of LEGO Magazine and today I got a large caramel envelope from Enfield, Connecticut. I opened it up and inside were the LEGO catalogue and the missing issue of LEGO Magazine. So I quickly skipped to the middle to get to the comic, only to find that I had not quite gotten what I had asked for. At the top of the front page were the words, "BIONICLE LA BATAILLE POUR LE POUVOIR".


:annoyed2: LEGO had sent me the French version! Now, I can read French alright, but come on!


It was kind of interesting, though, to learn the French terminology for certain BIONICLE things as well as strange translations that were made.

  • The Brotherhood of Makuta is "La Confrèrie de Makuta".
  • The Great Spirit is "Le Grand Esprit" (which is odd, since the French version of Legends of Metru Nui says "L'Esprit Divin").
  • The word they use for "rider" (in reference to the corrupted Matoran) translates to "jockey". :lol:
  • Shadow Leach is "sangsue de l'ombre" (bloodsucker of shadow)
  • A Tridax Pod is "une nacelle Tridax"
  • A lightvine is "une vigne lumineuse".
  • Chirox calls Vamprah his boyfriend. :blink:
  • Skyboard is "planeur céleste".
Understandably, because it's in French, some of the snappy dialogue doesn't really translate. Oddly enough, there's no Treespeak in French, who knew? :shrugs: However, Lewa still says "Héros Toa" without the hyphen, so I guess it was just a lack of understanding on the part of the translator, Jocelyne Vrzovski.


So maybe I'll ask for an English version of the magazine if I have time, but clearly someone over in Enfield needs to brush up on their Canadian geography. :rolleyes:


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Spi might mean 'copain' though...still, that can be friend that happens to be a boy. And in comes the lame cliche of trying to say "Oh, he's not my boyfriend, he's my friend who is a boy."

I like La Confrèrie de Makuta. I mean, it translates well, but more importantly it sounds cool. Now I'm imagining Antroz with a French accent. And a mustache.

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Actually, Chirox called Vamprah his "petit ami" (translating "silent friend" from the original comic). Now while can mean "little friend", it's still a pretty awkward comment. :P

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The French are awkward. What did you expect? Half Belgium is still invaded by them after so many years and they're still not gone. O=


Say hello to my little friend. His name is Vamprah.



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"Bloodsucker of Shadow". I like that. :P Well, your loss is our gain. Not that I've learned my new thing today, I'm going to go practice driving while talking on somebody else's cellphone, eating a ButterBurger, and changing the radio stations repeatedly...


TakumaNuvaSmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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