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Other Things And Not Penguins



Zack is Gormagon's apprentice?

Thirteen has Huntington's?

Amber is dead?

Phantoka are 13 bucks?




So here's a Tuesday Five.

  • What did you watch on television last night?
  • Why did the chicken cross the road?
  • What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?
  • Penguins?
  • Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?
  • ?

Also, I entered a pencil portrait of Ronald Reagan wearing a cowboy hat into an art contest in which the winner will have their piece displayed at the capitol. It's easily the best and most anatomically correct thing I've EVER drawn and there are like two entrants total (and the runners-up get their pieces hung somewhere too anyway). So that's cool.






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And that's why I don't like dogs, they're stupid...

  • Stargate SG-1
  • To battle the penguins
  • All of the current ones, got them for Xmas.
  • No, the chicken killed them.
  • A few times, but they're all awful. -_-
  • Sometimes.
And thanks for spoiling that episode! :P I TiVo'd it and was going to watch it later.
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What did you watch on television last night?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?


Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?


iCarly... I think =D

So people could make bad jokes about it D=

All except Mutran and the summer ones =D


Yep =D

Hey, that's a sixth question! D=


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Little Miss Sunshine

Who the heck let the chickens out? You know how much I pay for those chickens?!

Null and void.

Only with a pair of sunglasses and an afro.

Back in da day...




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* What did you watch on television last night?

* Why did the chicken cross the road?

* What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?

* Penguins?

* Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?

* ?


Get Smart.

To save the golden egg.

Mutran & Vican, Kopaka, Solek, Pohatu, Photok, Tanma, Chirox, Vamprah.


No. And thank Mata-Nui I haven, you ungrateful people!




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no no no u gotz 2 spel it rite itz spittsburgh spittsburgh u noob!!!!!!1!!!!shift+one!! >:( >:( >:( >:( :usa: :tohu: :tohu: :tohu: :insertanotheremotehere:




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1. Punk'd.

2. Because it was being chased by an angry mob of TV personalities.

3. The one that's awesome. (none.)

4. Yes, please.

5. If AW3 counts.

6. !

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*Bones. That was totally unexpected, and Gormagon looked creepy. 'Specially with the canines.

*To get away from Colonel Sanders





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*Bones. That was totally unexpected, and Gormagon looked creepy. 'Specially with the canines.

a note to all people who didn't see it--this does not refer to dogs

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What did you watch on television last night?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?


Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?


Beacause It felt like it.

Vamprah, Antroz, Gavla, Solek





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What did you watch on television last night?

With my attention span, I'm lucky to remember what I watched five minutes ago.


Why did the chicken cross the road?

Why is everyone always questioning his motives? <_<


What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?

Yampy, Chirry, Pohatu



( °)>


Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?





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What did you watch on television last night?


Why did the chicken cross the road?

-To run away from the ghost of Colonel Sanders.

What (if any) 2008 sets do you own?

-Pohatu, Chirox, and Toa Ignika


-EGADS! It's the call for the wild Nikira. :o

Have you ever posted artwork on BZP?



EDIT: EGADS! Toa Exxon got to the Colonel Sanders line before me. >:{

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  1. Nothing, due to other stuff occupying my time. I DID hear Amber die and House have a seizure (or whatever happened, I'm not sure), though.
  2. To answer the Tuesday Five
  3. Three Phantoka (two Toa, one Makuta) and two Matoran.
  4. YUUUUS! 8D
  5. No, of course not, why would I do a silly thing like that? :P
  6. O RLY?


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Nothing. I don't like TV.It was a publicity stunt. Look how famous she is now.All of 'em except for the special edition sets.Maybe, maybe not.Yes, if you count sprite edits.Exactly.x Cholie
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Where do you find these bizarre GIFs?

1. Some horrible TBN nonsense.
2. To eat the T-Rex. No wait...
3. Pohatu and Vamprah.
4. Pigeons.
5. !

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1.) CSI New York.

2.) To become road kill.

3.) Antroz, Lewa and Pohatu.

4.) Icebears.

5.) Yeah. They're not very popluar though. :P

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