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Indy 4

Lady Kopaka


Lady K went to go see Indy 4 yesterday in her fedora and leather jacket. :D


And Lady K thought it was awesome!




Now, out of a third person view, I really thought it was made well. Especially considering this is a sequel, and the last Indy was made in the err...90s? Now as a big fan of Indiana Jones, I was kind of worried if they could pull it off.


Boy did they pull it off. D:


I loved the characters; Indiana was still as Indy as ever, and his age wasn’t an issue it felt. At some points I kept forgetting he was older until some character would come along and made fun of his age. :P (Quote: “What are you…Like 80?”)



The story was really cool, but I must say unique. I do not think you could get more Steven Spielberg that that. XD But in my humble opinion, I think they did the storyline nicely considering it is not your typical Indy setting.

There were some minor things here and there that seemed off, or some things were just insanely far fetched. But, it's supposed to be a crazy adventure.


So if you like adventure, our daring archeologist, or funky looking crystal skulls, go see it. ^_^ Also ignore the big shot reviewers and critics; they know NOTHING of what a good movie is or what people enjoy. I can’t voice this opinion for everyone, but I thought it was good and I know a lot of you guys should be happy with it.


Now I need to find someway to see Iron Man...And Prince Caspien...and The Happening...*trails off*


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Nice. When'd you see it (like what time)? I saw it at 12:01 AM Thursday. So basically, the second it came out. Anyway yeah, it was good. I really enjoyed it.


Oh, and BTW it is Prince CaspiAn with an A. And if you've read the book and expect the movie to be similar to it, you'll be disappointed. It's barely like the book at all (Prince Caspian). It's a good movie, just a bad representation of the story.

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So many good movies, and I've seen none of them... Iron Man, Indiana Jones, Caspian... and then Hancock when it debuts... and that one with The Rock and Steve Carell looks good.
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I can't wait to see it, and they were made in the 80s. :)

Plus the Lewis from Even Stephens is in it! :D

Anyway, from what I've seen in previews it looks awesome, this is one of my must see movies of the year!

I probably won't be able to see it until it's on DVD though....but I do have a blue ray player (PS3) so it'll be fun watching it on that.

Glad you enjoyed the movie, Lady K!


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Guest kopakanuva13


-Macku- thinks it is strange that Lady K speaks in third-person :P


Yah, I want to see Indy 4, but I heard that Iron Man was better... I already saw Prince Caspian, 'twas good. :D

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Don't forget Hancock, that superhero comedy with Will Smith. :P


*Hugs for not giving spoilers* How old did Harrison Ford look? Did the special effects department manage to belay his age or can you tell?


Must...convince...parents...to allow...me to see three movies within two months...

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That Indy film did look quite interesting... Probably won't see it, though.


Too busy watching Prince Caspian. :P

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But when you're wearing a fedora, everything is awesome. =P



Prince Caspian was meh, (totally didn't follow the book) but Iron Man roxorz.

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89. The last one was in 89. =P

I am tempted to see it, even though I'm not a fan at all. I only saw the Indy films recently, and it wasn't that thrilled about them. But hey, we'll see.

We don't get Caspian till June. =(



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So Indy 4 had some sci-fi elements like an Indy game called Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, that Marduk is an alien who had been planning to invade Earth.


And I hope I will watch Indy 4 with my friends at Tuesday.

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I avsoulutely loved the way that the--*Strangeled by my own spoiler policy*


Anyway, I've seen three great movies in three weeks, Speed Racer, Prince Caspian, and now Crystal Skull. this Friday is more than likely going to be Iron Man.



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I saw it as well! It is my favorite Indy movie(I know it's not a classic, but it was just so cool!)

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The alien part was AWESOME. I like how they made Spalko's death dramatic without making it gory. It was also a very unique idea making the aliens from another dimension rather than another planet. I am also glad for Marion being in it, and the end made it seem like Mutt might become the next Indiana. Can't wait 'till I can get that mail-away crystal skeleton figure....


I went in costume also, though not as elaborate because I put it together at the last minute(My dad's hat that was too small for me, khaki pants, a white undershirt, and a brown button up shirt. No whip or shoulder bag).



It was so cool! :happydance:







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I saw Iron Man with my best friend weeks ago. The memory is still clear.Indy 4 is something I really want to see!

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