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The Kill Takua The Wanderer Club!



Want to join the new Kill Takua the Wanderer Club and get your name in a content block? All you need to do is kill Takua the Wanderer and leave a comment about how you did it here! Join Now! It's easier than joining any other club!


*Kills Takua the Wanderer using something that will make sure he cannot esacape or avoid his death*


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At first, they made short work of the Matoran and Toa who guarded Tuyet's fortress. Then it all went wrong: a Toa of Iron appeared on the walls and a hail of spikes spelt the end of Takua.


*lightly applauds* Good use of Dark Mirror quoting. =D

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Using my Speicial Powers, i Shot Lifes out of my nose. They proceded to add to TtW's Life force.

Then He Played fictional kohlii while repeatovly getting hit by white cars. These drained almost all of his life force. Than i proceded to... You don't want to know.


Let's just say he's dead.

And so is it written, and so it is done.

Your favorite Airloft, the Whimsical evil genius, who has been to france, seen Ironman and Prince Caspian, has a xbox 360, is writing a novel, Wants to join the Kill Takua the Wanderer club and is currently the only BZP member named Airloft.

Copyright, Airloft, 2008

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Nope, sorry. I didn't make it in the first place, so I guess you'll have to suffer the text based version.


*clicks on Takua, causing him to explode*

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Wow, I'm late.


*Pulls out M-16 and blows TtW off the face of the earth. Twice.*



Using my Speicial Powers, i Shot Lifes out of my nose. They proceded to add to TtW's Life force.

Then He Played fictional kohlii while repeatovly getting hit by white cars. These drained almost all of his life force. Than i proceded to... You don't want to know.


Let's just say he's dead.

And so is it written, and so it is done.

Your favorite Airloft, the Whimsical evil genius, who has been to france, seen Ironman and Prince Caspian, has a xbox 360, is writing a novel, Wants to join the Kill Takua the Wanderer club and is currently the only BZP member named Airloft.

Copyright, Airloft, 2008


You two are in!


Why am I not in this group? No community like this is complete without it's own homicidal sociologist!




You can be a leader with me, Master. :)



whats with the obbsession to kill TtW

he hasn't even done much

*defends against the "something"*


He is Takua the Wanderer. Isn't that a good enough reason?

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but isn't wandering like adventuring

because when you wander you are on an adventure because u don't know where you'll end up

therefore you are the same sort of people and should be friends (:

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It's a secret. :sly:


Oh, and while I'm not Premier, and can't record the kills, none of them in this time period count. :nahnah:

You can record them in your profile. ;) That's what I do. *shanks TtW*

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Wait... what?


*kills this guy*


For clarification. :)


That was my secret identity to try and go under cover and kill Takua the Wanderer secretly. For some reason during that time, Takua the Wanderer became much more popular. :D

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This is rather peculiar- I'm now in both the 'Kill TtW Club' and the 'Anti-Adventurer Club'. Plus I'm in the secret 'Kill TtW and Adventurer Club'. So.... Now I'm a triple-agent?

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Wait... what?


*kills this guy*


For clarification. :)


That was my secret identity to try and go under cover and kill Takua the Wanderer secretly. For some reason during that time, Takua the Wanderer became much more popular. :D

That's because -Adventurer- was posting like crazy at that time. :P

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