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Why Torture The Good Mocists?



I've noticed that MoCs that have almost no flaws but aren't quite good enough to be called a 'masterpiece' get almost no replies but those that are full of flaws and have 'custom' designs are hot topics.


Why is this?




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I know, i get that feeling sometimes.


I'm gonna make a not custom MOC, then a custom one, see which one gets more replies.

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I usually reply to those masterpieces.


But it might be because those making the mastepieces doesn't reply to the replies for days. Other people replies to almost after evey post.



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Check out my latest MOC. <_< But still, it's mainly because I posted it on a weekend. NEVER post a MOC on a weekend or Friday.

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It's all popularity my friend. ;)


Also a lot of your MoCs aren't very interesting. They are all pretty much Toa. Not even that custom either. My Toa team in my sig got a bunch of replies because they don't actually look like Toa. The topic was interesting, so they posted. ;)



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Because there's nothing to correct.


Completely true. There's only so many times someone can say "This is amazing 10/10" before it gets old. One of my favorite MoCs that I built only got 4 comments. And it had plenty o' flaws. People just didn't notice 'em.
*goes to comment on ER's newest MoC cause he should point out small, pointless flaws*


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