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Shall We Walk The Thirty Miles, Perhaps?



Yeeeeeeaaaaah. I'm saying maybe yes perhaps possibly.


Because $4.05 to $4.25 per gallon is NOT cool, ladies and gentlemen.






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Yeah...really stinks :( Thankfully where I am the prices have only reached $3.70 or so (I actually saw $3.54 only a short while ago). Don't blame the oil companies (like so many people do), believe it or not they only make about 8 cents per gallon of profit and so there is nothing that they could really do. It still stinks though.


Don't worry though, soon my invention should be complete and we will all be using mashed potatoes and orange juice as fuel. :P

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Bicycles are so last Tuesday, guys.




Yeah, at least we ain't over by Chicago. They had the highest prices in the nation, last I heard (they were the first to hit 4 bucks like, last week or the week before - no idea how high it would be now @_@).



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Screw it. I'll Finance a Mustang for a 5-year deal in the future when we got electric cars again. D:


If I actually do become a politician, and in my later years (MUCH later years) run for Presidency, I'm going to fix this.




Unlike oil, electricity has been down since day one. *insert gang sign*


*Stops talking*



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... In Europe, the pain is more intense. How about three Euros a liter? However, there, there are wonderful trains and such...


As for unicycling- the name of the game is staying upright, not going places.

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... In Europe, the pain is more intense. How about three Euros a liter? However, there, there are wonderful trains and such...

True, true. Gas prices back in Singapore are alot too. But you also have to realize, much of Europe (and Singapore) have public transportation. And you guys have sidewalks.



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Bicycles are so last Tuesday, guys.





It's better that a tricycle. :P


Here's hopping we get some Maglevs and steel-wheels on the tracks soon. -_-



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The other day I filled up the Taurus and it cost $42.34 for three-quarters of a tank of a gas.


At this time last year it took 19 bucks.


I am not pleased.

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I'd like an Iron Man suit, mahselfs. Runs off of Ark Generator.




So awesome.


In all seriousness, yes, gas is expensive.

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The other day I filled up the Taurus and it cost $42.34 for three-quarters of a tank of a gas.


At this time last year it took 19 bucks.


I am not pleased.


It's a major pain for those of us with minivans as well.


$60.00 yesterday.


60. Freaking. Dollars.




I'd like an Iron Man suit, mahselfs. Runs off of Ark Generator.


That would be the way to travel, right there.


Hey, when you figure out how to build them in mass quantities for public use, send me a message so I can pick one up. =D



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Weeellllll, it would take some work making them for specific people, unless they could adapt to height and stuff. So... six trillions dollars. But you'll never have to pay for gas again! =D

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Smeag, Nikira, just carpool!


I don't mean put all your friends in the back, I mean use every inch you got! India is miles ahead of our time!




Now THAT is carpooling!



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XD to Arch-Angel.


Yeaaahhh... Our family van is a guzzler, too. But at four and a quarter dollars every gallon, even with my lil' corolla... my decision to commute to college this fall (some 40ish miles away) is a bit more painful. *It wasn't last year, when gas dipped down to $1.99/gal!*

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