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Tax Money



So I recently got my tax return, not stimulus in the mail. 900 US dollars to be exact. Seems like alot of money but with bills and cost of living and gasoline prices, it really is not a great deal of cash.


Regardless, I plan on making a toy or video game run with at least some of the cash. Suggestions? Things I have considered:


All of the new Indiana Jones sets

A Playstation 3

A Xbox 360

A Laptop Computer

Phantom Hourglass for Nintendo DS

An Axe(To compliment my sword collection and a possible cosplay)


More suggestions? What are some of the good newer games for DS, The World Ends With You looks pretty good and I know there are rampant Pokemon fanboys and gals here.



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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are some of the best Pokemon games out there. There are many new features, and you can battle people over Wi-Fi.


I want to get Mario Kart Wii. If you don't have it, you should get it.



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Only get a 360 if you plan on getting loads of games for it, or a single really great game.

I got bored with H3 only a few months after I bought it... and now I'm thinking about selling my 360 and getting a Wii, since it's all so much cheaper. :P

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Either buy or hire Excite Truck for Wii. It's a very underrated game, because it's lacking somewhat in terms of the single player championship and multiplayer, but the actual racing is extremely addictive.


Hotel Dusk for the DS is also quite underrated. I'll admit the gameplay sometimes gets a bit tedious, but the plot is very rewarding.


No More Heroes for Wii is apparently quite good. I've never played it myself, but the reviews for it are good.


EDIT: Approval for you.


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save it until the 08 sets come out, then buy them all at once.


spend whatever money is left on mario cart wii.


then donate whatever is left to charity

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Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword's good, so is Mega Man ZX: Advent.

Those are some newer ones. Or you might want to wait for FFIV DS.

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