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Animal Cruelty



It's vile, despicable, inhumane, and cowardly.


I'd seriously like to meet some of those people that abuse them.


And I'd like to have a weapon with me.


Note: This has absolutely nothing to do with my current "theme".


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Poor Animals...


I cried when I saw Dog of Flanders for the First time.



I just looked it up, and it makes me not want to see it.

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My neighbors rescued two hamsters from college animal abusers. When they were found and confiscated, they had cigarette burns and had been tossed around a lot. Whenever the neighbors try to take them out of they're cage, their response is to get as far away from human hands as possible. To this day, one of the hamsters still has no hair behind the ears.



Yes, it's very sad.


MB has spoken

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My neighbors rescued two hamsters from college animal abusers. When they were found and confiscated, they had cigarette burns and had been tossed around a lot. Whenever the neighbors try to take them out of they're cage, their response is to get as far away from human hands as possible. To this day, one of the hamsters still has no hair behind the ears.



Yes, it's very sad.


MB has spoken

At least they're safe now.

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Amen to the whole thing about the horrid-ness of animal cruelty.





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And Treefrog says he'd like to zap those abusers with his mind-lightning. And then burn them while they're stuck in an airtight box at the bottom of the ocean...


*edges away from Treefrog*

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Animal cruelty is absolutely horrifying. I wanna become an animal cop and stop this inhumanity.


I love animals, as you can plainly see, so I really get ticked off whenever I see animal cruelty.




EDIT: Whoops, bypassed the filter. Sorry about that.

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bloodsports are very :uhuh:

there is this one bloodsprot where you throw rocks at chickens untill they die :(

KFC is animal cruelty!


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People who abuse their pets are not real people. They're all dead inside and does not deserve the privilege of having an animal in their house. Sorry if my rude words hurt anyone (which they don't, I hope), but this is how I feel.


(yes, I know my approval seal is a bit.. bare.. :P)


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I absolutely abhore animal cruelty, but unfortuneately I can't go veggie as I am addicted to meat :)

Eating meat doesn't qualify, at least in by book. Animals eat other animals anyway.

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Are wars animal cruelty? We are all members of the kingdom Animalia, so what differntiates us from animals? Is killing a chicken any less horrible than killing a man?
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I absolutely abhore animal cruelty, but unfortuneately I can't go veggie as I am addicted to meat :)

Eating meat doesn't qualify, at least in by book. Animals eat other animals anyway.

Yes, humans are carnivores, so we do eat meat (Unless why conciously choose to refrain from it).

But animal cruelty is completely horrible, bad, wrong and. . . Umm, I can't thing of another word.


But if you look at what happens to veal calfs. . . :uhuh: . . . It is seriously WRONG.


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Are wars animal cruelty? We are all members of the kingdom Animalia, so what differntiates us from animals? Is killing a chicken any less horrible than killing a man?

If you saw the picture I had seen, you would know.

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I would give this blog entry a blog approval, but I have yet to make one.


*makes mental note of this blog entry*


I hate animal cruelty. It's terrible, and a criminal offense. I would be a vegetarian, yet I wouldn't do good without bacon or chicken. I always try to good things for them, like when I picked out a hamster, he was the only one in his cage. I also got a dog from a shelter that was found roaming the streets.


I hate people who are cruel to animals, and I hope no one here abuses animals.

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I absolutely abhore animal cruelty, but unfortuneately I can't go veggie as I am addicted to meat :)

Eating meat doesn't qualify, at least in by book. Animals eat other animals anyway.

Yes, humans are carnivores, so we do eat meat (Unless why conciously choose to refrain from it).

But animal cruelty is completely horrible, bad, wrong and. . . Umm, I can't thing of another word.


But if you look at what happens to veal calfs. . . :uhuh: . . . It is seriously WRONG.



To top animal cruelty? Oo


Anyways, I'd like to do the same things that they do to the animals to them. Plus lots of other torture stuff.


Well, I'll get you my blog approval in a minute. :P





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I agree.


People who are cruel to animals fail at life and deserve to be hit by a truck.


Declawing cats counts as animal cruelty. I want it to be illegal, and declawing your cat would cause you to get your own fingernails and toenails removed forever.



I actually punched a kid in the face for throwing rocks at a cat once.


And I didn't even know the kid. And It wasn't even my cat.




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