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This would be why my family is considering selling our perfectly good Honda minivan and compact car, one of which we just finished making payments on, to buy a pair of hybrids.


On that note, why haven't we just switched to full electric power already? In late 2007 I was reading an article about some sort of breakthrough being perfected in Tokyo that would make a 1-hour battery last ten hours. I assume they've made at least some headway on it.

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Hmm... you're fine as long as you don't have a Hummer or a huge pickup truck. :P Also, my mom said she would like to have one of those small two seater European cars for just around town to save on gas.


If you care, my gas is anywhere from 3.80-4.10 USD a gallon and I'm glad I don't live in Chicago... :P



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Hmm... you're fine as long as you don't have a Hummer or a huge pickup truck.

No, it's still pretty dang awful even if you just have a normal-size sedan. Take it from a fella who has to commute to work and just spent fifty dollars to fill up his car this morning.

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Yeah. It's not getting better. By next year, someone predicted that gas would hit $7.00 a gallon.


Why can't we go back to the 90s, where gas was 99 cents a gallon?

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Or 70 cents, like I remember it to be...


One good thing for me is I don't drive fully until 3 years for now... Bad thing, by then it'll be 20 dollars per gallon probably :-/ Ah well, it's pretty cheap currently... luckily...

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Hmm... you're fine as long as you don't have a Hummer or a huge pickup truck.

No, it's still pretty dang awful even if you just have a normal-size sedan. Take it from a fella who has to commute to work and just spent fifty dollars to fill up his car this morning.


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Y'know, I always wonder how things would've turned out if we never did anything with oil. Just let it sit and spew or whatever.


We probably wouldn't be here right now, but I'm just curious.


We need a "What if?" machine.

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We need a "What if?" machine.


Only if i can can use the fing-longer!


The price of gas in making people crazy. I hear it every day at work when i ask when people want to come back for their medicine. "I'm going to wait!! I'm not wasting gas just to come back HERE!" is a phrase i hear at least 5 times a day. It makes me wonder why people don't take advantage of technology and call their prescriptions ahead of time. Oh wow, a phone!! Now you only have to make one trip!! Sheesh... now that is the end of my rant!


I'm glad I WALK!

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$3.85 here. It was at $3.78 just this morning. <<


And that's why I want to live on campus, instead of commuting every day back and forth. Walking to class would be better for me -and- my wallet.

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