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Anti - Mistika Bashing League



Hello BZPower members. You may have read about many people's colorful opinions for and against the Mistika. While I respect and understand both sides of the argument, I have grown sickened and tired of all of the bashing and irrational arguments against the Mistika.


To combat this, I am forming a little "league" or club, whichever you prefer, to "stick up" for the Mistika.


Anti - Mistika Bashing League





"No Mistika should be bashed!"




We, the members of the Anti - Mistika Bashing League pledge to defend the Mistika to the ends of the World Wide Web wherever they are bashed and flamed.



  1. No flaming or spamming any member who bashes the Mistika.
  2. If a member gets in trouble because of a Mistika involved flamewar, the League is not responsible. Also, the League will cut all ties from that member and that member will be banned.
  3. You will follow all club related directions given by me or by your club superiors.
League Roster:







  • ~Sernakann~
  • Bfahome
  • -Rho-
  • ♣Makuta's black heart♣
  • rebooter6
  • Midnighter
  • matoran jala11
  • Gravitic Ghost Rider
  • The Last Tohunga
  • -Evolution-
  • Vamprah: Silent Hunter
  • Slurpy
  • Axalara
  • Teragion
  • Moi
  • Janaro the skull reactor
  • Commander Hothead
  • TMNT: Half Shelled Heroes
  • toa hordika tahu
  • Yue Izumi
  • Bite my shiny metal armor
  • Tirade
  • Toa Roman
  • Nara
  • Chaplain Xavier
  • -Macku-
  • Return of the Pit Jailer!
  • biogio
  • Dark Hunter 554
  • Dark Lord Zhalath
  • The Mega-cool Phantoka
  • -Colea-
  • Taki
  • Ghosti
  • Nuhrii the Metruan
  • falling sheep
  • Takua the Wanderer
  • Toa of Water and Ice
  • Poirua
  • master Darnok (toa human)
  • Razsek
  • Moatau
  • Dr. Tahu Mistika
  • Avalon
  • Kalija



This League is not meant to forcibly make people like the Mistika, but defend the Mistika whenever someone says they hate them because "they are epic fail", "are ugly", etc...

Any questions, comments, or suggestions?





Recommended Comments

I'm neutral. I kinda sorta hate the Mistika, but I don't complain because I'm not getting the sets (money problems).


But I think I'll bash your anti-bashing group just for the fun. =D



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May I join?

Sure! :)


I'm neutral. I kinda sorta hate the Mistika, but I don't complain because I'm not getting the sets (money problems).


But I think I'll bash your anti-bashing group just for the fun. =D



Hmm... I understand. I was a little nervous about them when I first saw them but now, I've grown up to them. I wonder why the summer sets are always controversial? :P


Since you're Premier and I'm assuming you also have a blog. Why don't you make a bashing club to "rival" mine. :P



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I heartily dislike the Mistika, because I think that they are extremely ugly, compared to other Toa such as the Hagah and Metru. This is my opinion, that is to say, the opinion that is mine which is the opinion that I am of. Which is mine. I am also of the opinion that they fail epicly, because they do not resemble the Nuva in my opinion, and they are both too similar in basic design to the sets of previous years whilst being cluttered with fins and jets. This is also my opinion, and none shall take it from me.


Good day.

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I heartily dislike the Mistika, because I think that they are extremely ugly, compared to other Toa such as the Hagah and Metru. This is my opinion, that is to say, the opinion that is mine which is the opinion that I am of. Which is mine. I am also of the opinion that they fail epicly, because they do not resemble the Nuva in my opinion, and they are both too similar in basic design to the sets of previous years whilst being cluttered with fins and jets. This is also my opinion, and none shall take it from me.


Good day.


I understand and respect your opinion up to a certain extent. However, I urge you not to judge the Mistika too much until you have at least one of them in your hand and have read several reviews. For example, when I first saw Icarax, I thought he was mediocre and I wanted to get him since I was a collector. The biggest thing that bothered me was his hips. I thought they would bulge out and look hideous. When I built him, he looked perfectly fine.


So what I'm trying to say is that pictures can be misleading.


One thing I'll have to agree with you on Zero Two is the fins and jets. They look a little cluttered but not that bad. I'll probably revamp and modify the Mistika anyways like I did with the Mahri earlier this year.


I am not trying to change your opinion. I just want to decrease the bashing the Mistika get.



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I don't need to have the Mistika in hand - I can tell exactly how they're built from the pictures. That's the point of advertising. ;) I can see perfectly well that they use Piraka limbs, long double sockets, aesthetically displeasing masks, yet more oversized launchers, etc.
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I don't need to have the Mistika in hand - I can tell exactly how they're built from the pictures. That's the point of advertising. ;) I can see perfectly well that they use Piraka limbs, long double sockets, aesthetically displeasing masks, yet more oversized launchers, etc.

I understand. Anyways, are you planning on buying any?



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Heh, I can tell how they build them by Pics, I just need a lot of them. Once I have them, I study them for atleast a week, although not always 7 days in a row. I get every detail by doing this, and get more by buying the sets. Thats why I know so much about them. :P

Anyway, you can find many things hidden in Pictures, like the fact that Krika's Eyes are Barraki Eyes. There is a small (Very Small) Gap between the bottem of the eyes and the Bottem of the sockets. Oh, and did you know Krika uses both a Toa Matoran connecter and a Makuta one?

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I don't need to have the Mistika in hand - I can tell exactly how they're built from the pictures. That's the point of advertising. ;) I can see perfectly well that they use Piraka limbs, long double sockets, aesthetically displeasing masks, yet more oversized launchers, etc.

I understand. Anyways, are you planning on buying any?



No. For the reasons stated above, and more.

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I don't need to have the Mistika in hand - I can tell exactly how they're built from the pictures. That's the point of advertising. ;) I can see perfectly well that they use Piraka limbs, long double sockets, aesthetically displeasing masks, yet more oversized launchers, etc.

I understand. Anyways, are you planning on buying any?



No. For the reasons stated above, and more.

Understood but I'm kinda shocked you're not buying any for your MOC's which are very good by the way. :)




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I'm neutral. I kinda sorta hate the Mistika, but I don't complain because I'm not getting the sets (money problems).


But I think I'll bash your anti-bashing group just for the fun. =D



Then you must be destroyed...

No, seriously, that's cool if you don't like them. Everyone has there own opinion, and wether or not someone else agrees, it's not my right to bash you for it.

I will join the anti-bashing club, if I may.

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in today's society there is too much focus on negatives, people pointing out every imperfection, it's fine if you think the negatives out balance the positives so you will choose not to buy them yourself but I dislike people running around, spamming and flaming about the mistika for example recently (I'm not saying anything about the member, just the post) in the 2008 sets topic, someone posted:

"gali is a fat ugly cow"


they could have at least said:

"in a recent picture I noticed gali bears a certain resemblance to a cow, this put me off buying her a bit"

it would have contributed to the discussion more and been less offensive and also less forceful, the first one expects every one to accept it as a fact which they won't, resulting in argument=bad


the bashers often make valid points but they somehow do it in a way that starts flame wars, you should be making an effort towards peace rather than going against them, they may be stubborn and try to make a flame war about it if you argue against them


I'm not saying you should completely change what you're doing but you should keep an eye on the flaming and think peace when you do it


I might join, could I?

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I weel join yoo in your noble and valorous last stand against the Mistika-haters. Long live Tahu Nuvaninja and his three whirring blades of doom.

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Can I join? I think the Mistika are cool but they don't bear a resemblance to the old sets (excluding Mistikuta)so people don't like them as much.The silver doesn't bother me that much and I think that they all look awesome.Sometimes people might insult the mistika and Mistika likers feel offended and Kabam! the start of a huge flame war!

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Why do people take it so personally when we express our honest opinions about the Mistika? It isn't the end of the world--people have different opinions, and in the grand scheme of things, the quality of Lego sets isn't going to matter.
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