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Mocist Duels Round One Voting!



Greetings BZPower members! I am happy to say that I have received both of the entries for the BZP MoCist Duels contest* round one, built by our two Duelists: Roa McToa and Darth Vader.


As a reminder, the original challenge was this:



Your MoC must contain:


~ Green (any shade), black (only black, no gray), and silver pieces.

~ Only the above listed colors are allowed. If your MoC contains any other colors than these, it shall be instantly disqualified. This color rule applies to axles, pegs, and bushings as well. Thus, no blue half and half pegs or red #2 axles are allowed.




So without further ado, I would like to show you their creations!


Because she sent her MoC in before DV, I am going to present Roa's MoC first. :P

Duelist name: Roa McToa

Entry name: Haraka

Description: "Le-Kavan tree cat" - Roa

Conforms to challenge Criteria? - Yes

Entry Pic:




Other views:

From the front (my favorite :) )

Standing on its hind legs

From the side

From the rear


A quote from Roa:

I scrounged this guy up on two lunch breaks and two very scattered evenings. :D


Moving on to DV's entry...

Duelist name: Darth Vader

Entry name: none given (DV, if you come up with one, just tell me and I will update this ;) )

Conforms to challenge Criteria? - Yes

Entry Pic:




Other views:

More from the side


A quote from DV:

Unfortunately, these were the only two pictures I was able to snap before the camera died.


So there you go! The first two entries of the first round of the first BZP MoCist Duels Contest!


It is now time to begin the voting. Please choose one of the above MoCists that you wish to vote for, and say who you are voting for in a comment in this blog entry.


When voting, please keep these things in mind (in this order):

- Does the MoC portray the challenge well?

- Is the MoC creatively built and original?

- Does it look cool/sleek/amazing?


The voting time begins now (Thursday, June 19th) and shall end Monday (June 23rd). At which time, the second challenge shall be posted and round #2 shall begin.


Current scores:

Roa: 15

DV: 0

(Updated: 6/20/08)


What are you waiting for? Push that "add comment" button and vote! Er... please? :rolleyes:


Oh, and BTW Roa and DV, you are now free to post up your creations on the forums if you like. :)




*New to the contest? Check out the main blog entry here


Recommended Comments

I love Roa's design, it actually looks feline. And she used frogs. That's always a plus. DV's looks a little unfinished.


I vote for Roa's.



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Roa. Nice pose, nice hands (So many dark green playset arms! How? HOW?) and FROGS.


The torso, head and upper arms on DV's are great, but the wings and legs seem to have been stuck on so it wouldn't violate the System/Technic ratio. And the dark green...


And in case you haven't already thought of it, be sure to fix future voting so the same matchup doesn't occur twice. So, nobody can vote for Roa and DV, but one or the other is fine.

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For now, I am just going to say that I vote for Roa, but I shall hopefully write a larger and more detailed review over the weekend.


As you can see, I have updated the blog entry to contain a "current scores" section, so that you can keep up with the goings on. Although... I don't think that it's hard to see who shall win at this point. :P


Arpy, I am not sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate on what you said about voting for Roa and DV?



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Haha, let's make Roa's unanimous. Hers clearly has way more effort put into it.


As for mine looking unfinished... yep. Two days off from work does not equal two days of free building time.


Also, not being able to use grey at all killed me. Too many of my designs rely on those grey half-pins with stud tops.


Also, silver and I aren't friends. :uhuh:

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I still think you did a good job DV. For some reason, I kinda like your moc. I think with more work, and use of grey parts, it could be way cooler. :D


As far as mine, the only thing I hate about it the fact that when you use those black balljoints, they tend to fall off. The light grey ones are far superior.


I'll probably end up switching out the waist and shoulder joints for hordika brains for strength. Its practically animateable as it is, but those black ball joints are a bit of fail. Its kinda rare to get ones that actually stick.


This was fun DV, we should work on some collaboration mocs. :)

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For now, I am just going to say that I vote for Roa, but I shall hopefully write a larger and more detailed review over the weekend.


As you can see, I have updated the blog entry to contain a "current scores" section, so that you can keep up with the goings on. Although... I don't think that it's hard to see who shall win at this point. :P


Arpy, I am not sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate on what you said about voting for Roa and DV?



Just that voting for those two at once should be prohibited next contest to avoid another Roa/DV matchup. But voting for, say, DV and ToM or Roa and What? would be fine.

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Just that voting for those two at once should be prohibited next contest to avoid another Roa/DV matchup. But voting for, say, DV and ToM or Roa and What? would be fine.

Ah, I understand now. :)



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Just a quickie. Maybe you shouldn't say the names? Most of the times people vote based on the MoCer. ;)


Plus it is just that much more competitive.



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Just a quickie. Maybe you shouldn't say the names? Most of the times people vote based on the MoCer. ;)


Plus it is just that much more competitive.



An excellent point. I think that I shall take up your suggestion for the rest of the contest... Thanks!



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Um, I know that this isn't according to plan, but could we just end the voting now and start Round 2?


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Uhhh... why is this still open?

Anyway, I would have said Roa. DV's just looked slapped together and nasty.

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I still think you did a good job DV. For some reason, I kinda like your moc. I think with more work, and use of grey parts, it could be way cooler. :D


As far as mine, the only thing I hate about it the fact that when you use those black balljoints, they tend to fall off. The light grey ones are far superior.


I'll probably end up switching out the waist and shoulder joints for hordika brains for strength. Its practically animateable as it is, but those black ball joints are a bit of fail. Its kinda rare to get ones that actually stick.


This was fun DV, we should work on some collaboration mocs. :)

I like bits of my entry. Though it's two different MOCs put together (and an aside, not a single piece on this MOC is attached to another piece in the same way it was on Lewa, to those who have said it looks like a rehash). I think I'll finish it properly when motivation hits, someday.


I must say, I really enjoy the contrast between our styles. Yours is so organic and fluid, mine is more curves, lines, and smooth facets. Messy in an awesome way versus straight and clean. It's very enjoyable. :)

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I must say, I have enjoyed seeing you two build in this contest thus far... I look forward to the rest! I believe that I shall lock this now, due to Bunda's advice.



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