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What's Sad Is That This Is A True Story.



For those of you well-accustomed to hearing my rants about the homeschool association email list, this is the rant to end all ends. The icing on the cake. The straw that broke the camel's back. The one that takes the cake. The colloquialism that is repeated mindlessly.


The email sender literally wanted to know where to find/purchase dirt.






Making fun of this is a bit cruel, like laughing at the mentally handicapped, so I will say this to her credit: good ol'-fashioned dirt is hard to come across these days.



(Found some.)






I'm sorry, folks, this is stuff I can't just make up.


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Are her house windows made of titanium, or is she just not allowed near the windows?


Actaully, plenty of gardening stores and warehouses do offer soil, compost and various other dirt related stuff and big giant bags. Do you have homebase in homeschool land?


Alternatively, just ask Onua.

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maybe she lives on the north pole or something

you don't know, maybe that's why she's home schooled because there's no schools in the north pole

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She's giving homeschoolers a bad name. :(


Hmmm... yes, and I hate that. But all the same, it is a bit funny. You do have to ask the question though... what type of dirt? I mean, maybe she lives in the city or something? You need to take in all of the options... but still, it is a bit far-fetched.



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Coming from a family of immigrants, and working with immigrants as well, the only thing that surprised me was that you found that question so odd. :P Around here, thats a normal question.


...I love landscaping. <3



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You should send her a reply saying



And inside say

Anyone know where I can get free dirt?

That could not be a more accurate representation of their behavior. :P

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Depends on the dirt she is specifically looking for. There are different types of dirt, and if she is a gardener, I am sure she is looking for specific dirt, not just your average dirt.

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That's not that odd, honestly. Landscaping. Gardening. Soil is sold in these great huge bags and they make some sense in some cases.

All that I find odd is that she didn't bother to locate gardening stores nearby, since that's the obvious thing to do. *shrugs*

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I am now going to email evryone I know asking them where I can find a free Richard Simmons work out video.
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'scuse me, where can I find some fire?

this guy must live underwater.


I'm sorry. I hate to break this to you, Ma'am... there is no fire... under the sea... under the ocean.... you can't defy the laws of physics... I'm sorry...


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'scuse me, where can I find some fire?

this guy must live underwater.


I'm sorry. I hate to break this to you, Ma'am... there is no fire... under the sea... under the ocean.... you can't defy the laws of physics... I'm sorry...



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