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Ideas For #50



A theme requiring you to mix themes from previous BBCCs in a noncontradictory fashion so that the numbers correlating to each theme used add up to 50. Possibly with a minimum of three different themes. Just imagine...Transforming vignettes with functions!


No ball joint/socket connections.




Microscale stuff.


I personally expect BBCC #50 next month, as coinciding it with BZP's anniversary would make sense in an awesome sort of way.


Recommended Comments

Clash of the Titans 2

A contest in which winners of BBCs 26-49 compete for the grand prize.


Clash of the Titans 2: Remix

A contest in which winners of BBCs 26-49 compete each with a number of MOCs corresponding to how many BBCs you have won. For example, ToM would have to make four MOCs if he were to enter this contest, and DV would have to make two.


TransforMoc 3

A contest in which entrants must make an MOC that can transform into either a vehicle of some sort, or a creature.


No Ball-Joints

A contest in which entrants may not use ball joints in their MOC



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Prosthetic limbs! :P


Seriously though, your first theme would rock but so many questions would be asked. <<

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Clash of the Titans 2

A contest in which winners of BBCs 26-49 compete for the grand prize.

This one is the only one I really think is acceptable. 25 was only 25, this is FIFTY.

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Clash of the Titans 2

A contest in which winners of BBCs 26-49 compete for the grand prize.

This one is the only one I really think is acceptable. 25 was only 25, this is FIFTY.

Yes, but Tufi would never do that.


They always do contests that can be entered by everyone, not 23 people.


Besides, who knows what you or Czar (especially Czar) would build.


I still can't believe Video-games theme hasn't been done.


I hope that is the theme, cause I have something nice up my sleeve.




It's actually been up there a while, and it's starting to itch.






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They always do contests that can be entered by everyone, not 23 people.


BBCC 38 was only open to Americans.


BBCC 25 was an "invitation only" contest.


As long as it is not "invitation only", I'm game for anything.



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I want there to be no ball joints/nor prefab ball joints. So most of the torsos out there go boom, most of the boring humanoids go boom, Tufi's happy, and we all live for another few months. And we all make vehicles/ weird things that come to us.

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I want a BBC Contest where you make two merge teams, that when merged, form either good/sidekick, evil/sidekick, or good/evil. Each, when merged must have specific, required, points of articlulation.


"I aint got no good, bad, or ugly merge team."

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