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Shorter Version Of The Mantax Facts P S A



Some of you requested it, so here's the shorter version of the Mantax Facts PSA for the Papercutz BIONICLE Video Contest:




Broke my heart to remove what I did, but I think it still fits together rather nicely as a movie.


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Not as full of win, but it's hard to come close to that amazing original...


No Kopaka Mermaid Song. D:


Still full of win, your PSAs! ^^


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Well, I'd never seen any before this, and that was hilarious. If only you could've kept the Kopaka's singing one...



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To be frank, it wasn't as funny as the original.



If you hadn't seen it before, it would work out fine, but since we've all seen it, it seems slightly... disjointed. And Dume's Communism wasn't long enough; you should have included all three scenes.




Also, the credits need a bit of a workover for the shortened version- there is no opening image, for example.



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Well, at first it took me some time to understand the Dume and communism thing, but we had History of Russia in school, so... it's a great joke. :P


Aww.. you cut out "What a Wonderfuk World... To Conquer" :(

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True, it seems a bit awkward to those of us who've seen the original before, but I'm sure that the guys at Papercutz will appreciate it either way. I think the cutting worked out very nicely, though. It works well on its own.


I didn't think you'd actually update my name, though. :P

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Whoa, it's short! The songs were a big part. I think the Dume's Communism part shoulda been longer, and the pause after Mantax's cut-away longer too. But still.. You shoulda been like, "No, you can't have my video unless it's full length!" Blaze thine own path, and thou shalt become worthy of..whatevereth.


I, of course, prefer the original, so I can't say fairly whether this is good or not. But I congratulate you on getting this far!!


In Soviet Russia, you don't make awesome comedy, awesome comedy makes you!

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You did a decent job of trimming it down. That "Time Lapse" thing was rather amusing.


Maybe if you'd trimmed the credits to something that rolls quickly but is still legible, you could've stuffed more in there. The credits music in this version sounds rather dodgy, I hate to say.


But at least the whole thing got me laughing.


One thing I've noted: my Vezok sprites don't look quite as demented as they originally did; that pose with both his arms up worked out better than I thought.

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