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Basis Of The Makuta Mistika



Alright, because I've seen a great number of ridiculous ideas of what the Makuta Mistika are based on, I figured an entry on this would be worthwhile.


Remember that at this stage, these ideas are not laid in stone. Most are merely ideas, albeit ones which I think to be true, and I would be overjoyed if someone can come with a vastly different idea and demonstrate why they feel theirs is correct. Seriously, however awkward some might be, there is a reason you think them to be true, and perhaps a legitimate reason for me to think the same.


Let's begin:

Makuta Gorast

This is one of the few I am almost completely certain of.
Makuta Gorast is based on a mosquito.
My reasons for thinking such, from least to most meaningful, are as follows:
  • Gorast has two thin wings-- a trait mosquitoes share.
  • Gorast's attitude is characterized by an almost suicidal persistence.
  • D'oh! Gorast has a
    I can't believe I forgot that one! Thanks to Mr. Spock for reminding me.
  • Gorast is described as "lightthirsty" by Krika in BIONICLE Legends #10. This makes perfectly clear what should already have been evident from the vampiric Makuta Phantoka: light in this sense is the BIONICLE equivalent of blood. Mosquitoes, sucking blood, are therefore the foremost candidate for Gorast's real-world origin.
Makuta Bitil

Again, I have much confidence in my belief that
Makuta Bitil is based on a beetle
. Reasons from least to most meaningful are as follows:
  • Bitil's head, keeping the other similarities in mind, looks much like it should for a beetle-based Makuta, although other insects have similar heads.
  • Bitil has large, platelike wings-- a trait that is obvious in the wings, or rather wing covers, of beetles.
  • Bitil's name is in fact identical, if I remember correctly, to the Old English origin of the word "beetle." This was the similarity people noticed long before pictures of the sets were even released.
On an entirely less serious note, Bitil's head is almost identical in design to the cicada-based Pokemon Ninjask. I am doubtful that Cicadas are a type of beetle, though I'm not at all knowledgeable about that. I just thought it was a cool coincidence.


Makuta Krika

Here's the one where I would most appreciate the opinions of others. While unsure, I'm leaning toward the suspicion that
Makuta Krika is based on a cricket
. You know the drill by now.
  • Krika has spiky legs, like some crickets but also like a number of other insects.
  • Krika's face is relatively cricketlike, most notably sharing the highly evident antennae of a cricket and the roundedness of the face. The face's overall shape differs from the taller heads of most crickets, however.


Alternatively (and far more likely-seeming at the time), it is possible that Krika is based on a mantis, specifically a species called the Orchid Mantis.

  • Krika can literally "disappear" into the swamp. The Orchid mantis has a similar talent for camouflage, although of course nowhere near as perfect as the magic of BIONICLE powers will allow.
  • Mantises are noted for their long and spiky forelimbs, which hang in front of them as Krika's would had he other legs to support him.
  • The Orchid Mantis can shift from a pinkish-red to a ghostly white. Krika is, like a picture provided recently in the (woe is me!) official 2008 sets topic, is somewhere between the two colors.

Offer whatever comments you have; I have seemingly bottomless curiosity based on the sort of questions I tend to ask Greg.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time


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I believe you are correct in your Krika guess; his name certainly agrees with that, and he isn't a grasshopper, as he doesn't have the backwards legs...


Gorast also has her mask's stinger- a trait shared with mosquitoes.She is also female, as the biting mosquitoes are.


Bitil is also somewhat spindly in the legs/arms in set; he shares this with beetles.



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I believe you are correct in your Krika guess; his name certainly agrees with that, and he isn't a grasshopper, as he doesn't have the backwards legs...


Gorast also has her mask's stinger- a trait shared with mosquitoes.She is also female, as the biting mosquitoes are.


Bitil is also somewhat spindly in the legs/arms in set; he shares this with beetles.



That last one is disputable-- I hardly know any species other than beetles that lack spindliness in the legs. Some beetle species, however, have more muscular-looking legs.


As for the others, I can't believe I ignored the stinger, possibly the most obvious similarity. *facepalm* I'll edit that in.

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Also Bitil has those mandible things, like the I-can't-think-of-its-name beetle.

I mentioned his face, didn't I? And quite a few types of beetle have those. ;)

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I always thought Krika looked like a mantis...

It's been addressed. I'm not sure what to think about Krika, although his design seems to be very much like a mantis. I had initially been reluctant to agree, since to my knowledge Takadox was based on a mantis, but now that I know almost for certain that Takadox is based on a mantis shrimp I have less reluctance to accept Krika as a mantis.

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