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Serious Addiction, Could Be Drugs

Spoony Bard


Yes. I, Omicron Xero of BZPower, would like to confess something.


I have a serious addiction. Really serious. In fact I cannot control it. Doctors can't help me. It is morphing my life around.






It all started when I met this guy in a dark alley:

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He offered me a cup of peanut butter wrapped with chocolatey goodness. So I figured, why not. This guy didn't seem to bad. But second I took a hit of that Reeses, something sparked in my mind. I begged the guy to give me all that he had, and he did. That is how my addiction started.


Over the years, my condition kept getting worse. They kept making different versions of it that quadrupled my craving:


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And now as I sit here eating like 8 of them at the same time, it makes me realize. What has my life come to? :P


Sometimes I get so sad and depressed that I eat a tub of ice cream:


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For those who suffer the same condition as me, you are not alone in the world.


I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. :)






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What is this? An Ad? :P


I've tried a white chocolate one, an I couldn't tell the difference from a classic Reese's, they all taste the same to me.


Now that I look at it,

I have an addicton to white Hershey's chocolate...

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I would, but there aren't any in my house, and I'm too lazy to get them. An addiction-prevention scenario, if you will. :P

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They used to be my favorite candy, I can't ever find a good one anymore, though. They're all gooey or old. >_>


Peanut butter milkshakes and peanut butter cup ice cream for the win, though.

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The really isn't a finer example of candy than the Reese's peanut butter cup and various offshoots thereof.


PayDay bars are really good too, though.

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Reeses Cups of all variety are disgusting.



3Musketeers are the way to go.



Oh, and you forgot about the cereal. :P

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Oh, and you forgot about the cereal. :P

Sorry I don't eat the cereal.


Fruity Pebbles is what Omi eats for breakfast. If you wanna be like Omi, you must eat Fruity Pebbles.



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I like reeses and three musketeers. I always choose the wrong thing, like hard candy instead of the good chocolate. But I'll get a good reeses next time I go to a store.

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Oh, and you forgot about the cereal. :P

Sorry I don't eat the cereal.


Fruity Pebbles is what Omi eats for breakfast. If you wanna be like Omi, you must eat Fruity Pebbles.



Mmm... Fruity Pebbles... I like Waffle Crisp, Frosted Flakes and Coco Puffs better, though.


And Count Chocula. I think they stopped making it, though. *cries*

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i also have a reese's peanut butter cup addiction, it reached it's pinnacle in middle school


fortunately for me, i entered a rehab program known as the IMBAM (I aM Broke Association for Minors)... well, i just made that up


but now that i constantly have no money, i no longer have the required funds to buy some RPC's, or any type of chocolate for that matter :lol:


don't worry omi, you'll get over it, just give it time ;) :P

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Milky Ways > Reeses


*runs from Omi*


Blasphemy! :o



Reeses Cups of all variety are disgusting.


Off with your head! :o


I soo just has a Reese's Cup Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Nothing better. :drooling:

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Ohhh Reeses. You always have a little celebration on the inside when you see someone open the door and present you with a bowlfull of Reese's Cups. Sure I'll even take a handful of Tootsie Rolls if that's all that they're offering (the plebians), but Reese's are the true gold nuggets of Trick-or-Treating. :D

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Reese's>any other candy

Unfortunately, there are none in the house right now. I NEED REESE'S. O_O


I share your pain. :P

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Fruity Pebbles is what Omi eats for breakfast. If you wanna be like Omi, you must eat Fruity Pebbles.

So if they developed a series of Fruity Pebble type candies...maybe that'd help you kick your habit right?


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Fruity Pebbles is what Omi eats for breakfast. If you wanna be like Omi, you must eat Fruity Pebbles.
So if they developed a series of Fruity Pebble type candies...maybe that'd help you kick your habit right?
I think that's getting close to the solution.


But the problem would be that he would just get addicted to those instead...

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My name's Makaru, and I have an addiction to Nestle Crunch.


I share your pain, Omi.

Hello Makaru. :|


Omi, you really had me going. I thought you were talking about drugs or something. That Resess guy made me laugh so hard. XD

But they'll never compare to starbursts...heh...kinda ironic, now I can't have starbursts because I just got braces.....


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Mr. Mix-It-All doesn't like peanut butter cups of any sort: even though I like peanut butter and chocolate, I just don't like them together for some reason. :shrugs:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Okay! I admit it! I dressed up as the Reeses guy and gave you the Reeses! Forgive me! :P


That Reeses guy creeps me out. :fear:


You make me want Reeses. XD



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