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Car Accident..... Again

Spoony Bard


This time I was the victim here. Because of the oh so lovely weather, the roads are now very slick. So slick that a women was hydroplaning and smacked into me.


And yeah.




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You alright?




Same question. And if so, look on the bright side; if she was the one who rammed into you, the insurance company will pay you. :)

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I'm fine, and no her insurance won't be paying.



Why not? Doesn't she have insurance?



Good question. I didn't know.


Damage seemed fine and I really wanted to get home and not attract the police so I shooed her off.





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Thats bad.

You don't want the police? How come? They ask waaay to many Q's?

They sometimes make something so small become so huge and they have to file a report and everything and it it goes on record and stuff.


The woman was already terrified, and I have been in her position before.



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Ah, I see, you're a good man Omi. Have you gotten an estimate on the damage yet?



Well when I went to go check, apparently there was a lot more damage then meets the eye. Apparently the back end of crunched a bit (only noticeable inside the trunk).


Cost is roughly around 500 bucks, not a huge deal for me.



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You are possibly the fifth person I know about who got into a car accident. At least is wasn't worse. *Tries to be an optimist and Fails miserably.
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