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The Life Of Laka™



Since Taka-Tahu-Nuva asked sooooo nicely. This is the sequel to The Life of Bfa™.




Why start at the beginning when you can start at yesterday? This book will show the complete like of Kopakalaka starting from yesterday and ending soon. Not that I'm gonna die or anything. I'm just gonna get bored.



Chapter 1:

Today started out like any other day. Staying up later than I should. I think I stayed up until 3AM while I was brain dead. I managed to remember that I had a friend coming over at 11, so I decided to set my alarm. I of course didn't use the radio setting like I usually do, because I needed to get up on time, so I set it for the obnoxious alarm. >_>. I have a special alarm. It has two different alarms! =O. I normally use the second alarm for some odd reason. I guess I just set it for the time I want. Anyway, I decided that alarm one was easier to set to 9:30, so I did. I turned on the alarm for maximum evil.


I wake up later that day. I'm trying to go back to sleep, when I hear the doorbell ring. At first I just think it's a package, but then I think it might be my friend! I immediately jump out of bed to check my clock. It's 11:15! AAAAAAH! I run downstairs and look out the window to see who it is. It's my friend. Apparently, I set my second alarm, not the correct one.... >_>


While he was over, we worked on one of the Mindstorms NXT Robots. It took a while, but it was fun.





Recommended Comments

Congrats on the 100th entry. :P


Also I hate it when alarms go all evil and schtuff. <<


How can you tell? And I wasted it on this? >>



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