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Do What You Want 'cuz A Pirate Is Free!

Avohkah Tamer



...or at least SHOULD be...


After searching about 3 stores yesterday, I FINALLY found one with the new sets! I got Toa Onua (Who is awesome), and Takanuva (WHO IS EXTREMELY AWESOME). =P


Yesterday I played for a long time on Pirates Online, and I even recruited a couple BZP members for it in the past couple days! At this point, our Guild (club) contains:

Yep, there are a lot of us on there!


EDIT: I'll edit this whenever another BZP member joins our Guild. Yesterday, we added DJ Reidak.


Now, this may be the last entry I get to make, since BZP's birthday week is over today, just contact me if you have an account on Pirates or plan to get one, we love having BZP members around on there!


~ :a: :t:


Recommended Comments

Yay Takanuva! You should do a review sometime.


Yay Pirates! We should have another pirate guild get-together on YIM sometime.


Not yay end of your blog!


PREMIERSHIP. THE KITTY DEMANDS IT. *Waves claws meanacingly.*

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Seven members! :o Wow! Now we can each be a Toa Nuva! I call dibs on Tahu! :hau: :onfire: :haunu:


Seriously, though. I'm glad you convinced me to get that game! It is the very embodiment of awesomeness!


Link to pirate game please?

Say hello to Mr. Link.

"Hello to Mr. Link".


Yay Takanuva! You should do a review sometime.


Yay Pirates! We should have another pirate guild get-together on YIM sometime.


Not yay end of your blog!


PREMIERSHIP. THE KITTY DEMANDS IT. *Waves claws meanacingly.*

I always did want a cat for a pet.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Seriously, though. I'm glad you convinced me to get that game! It is the very embodiment of awesomeness!
You're very welcome, I'm glad to have you on the game!


"Hello to Mr. Link".
Mr. Link?


I always did want a cat for a pet.
That's why I have 5! =D


~ :a: :t:

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