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Surrounded By Geeks



So about a week ago we're in robotics class and we're out in the hall, 'cuz we're testing our robot, right? If we tried it inside the room MAX would immediately plow into half a dozen chairs and the table. So we've got an entire workstation that we essentially drag out into the hall each class, including four wheely chairs for each member of our group, a small desk with wheels for the laptop, and way too many cables, extension cords, and adapters to keep track of.


The hallway ends up a bit obstructed, as you can guess.


So a latecomer to class is walking down the hall and he sees that we're obviously testing our robot, and that we've created a veritable roadblock in the middle of the hall, so he's like, "Hey, can I pass?"


Me and another guy in my group simultaneously said, "No! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"


It was so epic.


So today I'm in economics class and the professor is giving us a history of currency and the gold standard and silver certificates and stuff, and he gets to the modern day flimsy paper dollar bill, and this girl in our class brings up how easy it seems to forge money (here the prof comments on how she seems to enjoy bringing up criminal activities; she's done it before but I forget what crime she brought up :P ) so being who he is the prof gladly goes on a tangent analyzing the costs and benefits of such illegal activities and how the Treasury department actively tries to increase the costs to discourage people from forging money, and so on and so forth.


So at one point the criminal-minded girl says something along the lines of, "Well, like, what if you went somewhere they can't catch you, like started printing money in Russia or something..."


I immediately start to say, "In Soviet Russia--" and the guy behind me catches on right away and we both finish, "MONEY forges YOU!"


Oh man I love this place. Of course it's not as bad as at Columbia during the SHP, where everyone had an XKCD t-shirt and they tried to solve the nerd-sniping problem in Particle Physics class.


Also, I just realized that I need to shorten my setup and get to the punchline more quickly. Oh well.




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How does one even go about starting the nerd-sniping problem? O_0

I dunno. I wasn't in Particle Physics. Someone who was in it first semester but in the same class as me second semester said they tried to. Dunno whether they got anywhere.

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