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Argue With This Statement



I bet some brains and smart-ones out there can stand my challenge easily, but I couldn't resist posting this. Argue with this sentence:


'A metaphor is a simile.'


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They're like rectangles and squares. A square is always a rectangle, whereas a rectangle is not always a square. Same goes with similies/metaphors. A similie is a type of metaphor. Similies are always metaphors, but metaphors aren't always similies. Metaphors say something is something else, simiileis do the same thing using the words like and as (I think there might be another word, too, but I can't think of it right now).

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Similes use the word "like", metaphors do not.



Or "as".


*whacks Bunda with Grammar Hammer*

Whoops! Yeah, that too.



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A simile compares two things using "like," "than," or "as." A metaphor doesn't.


Simile Example: This is like that.

Metaphor Example: This is that.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Please give me a topic to argue with that quote.

But then again, quotes can't argue.


Do you mean "Argue for" or "Argue against"?


[-The Alchemyst-]

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To everyone: Thanks for the comments. Most this darn blog has had in a while. :P


TMD: Ah, you're getting it!


Teeb Sapien and The Alchemyst: Very funny. We could use your humour on the Dark Side. Join me and together we will rule the literature...


To everyone above else: I know the difference between a simile and a metaphor. You seemed to have missed the fact that the statement itself literally was a metaphor, meaning that I said "a simile is a metaphor" as a means of pointing out the similarities between the two. It's not like I really think all the world's a stage.


You've just failed the challenge.

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